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When I run my script it does exactly like I want... It adds a text frame with the "grid location" for the selected items. My only issue is that it isn't incrementing the text frames. I believe line 42 is the issue....because every time it runs my function it resets the xCoor, yCoor, and inc back to zero. Anyone have an idea of how i can make the text frames not stack on top of each other??
#target illustrator
function findGrid() {
var d = activeDocument,
ps = d.layers['42 Pg Grid Location'].pathItems,
l = ps.length,
W, H,
rows = columns = 1,
origin = d.rulerOrigin,
newOrigin = new Array(2),
t, b, center, gx, gy,
i = 0;
for (; i < l; i++) {
if (ps.width == 0) {
!newOrigin[1] && newOrigin[1] = origin[1] + ps.geometricBounds[3];
!H && H = ps.height;
if (ps.height == 0) {
!newOrigin[0] && newOrigin[0] = origin[0] + ps.geometricBounds[2];
!W && W = ps.width;
d.rulerOrigin = newOrigin;
W = W / columns;
H = H / rows;
t = app.selection
; b = t.geometricBounds;
center = [b[0] + (b[2] - b[0]) / 2, b[1] + (b[3] - b[1]) / 2];
gx = Math.abs(center[0]) / W;
gy = Math.abs(center[1]) / H;
d.rulerOrigin = origin;
//alert('' + o[Math.ceil(gy - 1)] + Math.ceil(gx));
xCoor = 0;
yCoor = 0;
inc = 0;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, yCoor = (inc -= 20)];
createGridText.contents = '' + o[Math.ceil(gy - 1)] + "-" + Math.ceil(gx);
for (var z = 0; z < selection.length; z++){
Here is what the output looks like....
Here is my desired output....
Any help would be appreciated!!
You are never really doing the (inc -= 20) to create an offset from previous item because your inc = 0; is always defined in the function which is repeated in loop. So your inc is always at -20 for all the items. To decrement your inc, define it outside the function - I'd put it right above the loop which calls the function.
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Change lines 40-42 from this:
inc = 0;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, yCoor = (inc -= 20)];
to this:
inc = 20;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, (yCoor -= inc) ];
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williamadowling wrote
Change lines 40-42 from this:
inc = 0;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, yCoor = (inc -= 20)];
to this:
inc = 20;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, (yCoor -= inc) ];
This still keeps everything stacked on top of each other.
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You are never really doing the (inc -= 20) to create an offset from previous item because your inc = 0; is always defined in the function which is repeated in loop. So your inc is always at -20 for all the items. To decrement your inc, define it outside the function - I'd put it right above the loop which calls the function.
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Perfect! Moved inc =0; outside the function just like you recommended and it works perfectly!
Here is the final code...
#target illustrator
function findGrid() {
var d = activeDocument,
ps = d.layers['42 Pg Grid Location'].pathItems,
l = ps.length,
W, H,
rows = columns = 1,
origin = d.rulerOrigin,
newOrigin = new Array(2),
t, b, center, gx, gy,
i = 0;
for (; i < l; i++) {
if (ps.width == 0) {
!newOrigin[1] && newOrigin[1] = origin[1] + ps.geometricBounds[3];
!H && H = ps.height;
if (ps.height == 0) {
!newOrigin[0] && newOrigin[0] = origin[0] + ps.geometricBounds[2];
!W && W = ps.width;
d.rulerOrigin = newOrigin;
W = W / columns;
H = H / rows;
t = app.selection
; b = t.geometricBounds;
center = [b[0] + (b[2] - b[0]) / 2, b[1] + (b[3] - b[1]) / 2];
gx = Math.abs(center[0]) / W;
gy = Math.abs(center[1]) / H;
d.rulerOrigin = origin;
//alert('' + o[Math.ceil(gy - 1)] + Math.ceil(gx));
xCoor = 0;
yCoor = 0;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, yCoor = (inc -= 20)];
createGridText.contents = '' + o[Math.ceil(gy - 1)] + "-" + Math.ceil(gx);
inc = 0;
for (var z = 0; z < selection.length; z++){
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Hi wolfeEdition​,
that's strange. Your code does not work.
Did you running the code from ESTK or directly from Illustrator? Is this all - or only a snippet from a larger script?
Pasting the code in ESTK and select few paths which are located at layer named 42 Pg Grid Location and running your snippet gives the first error in line #26 d.rulerOrigin = newOrigin; --> Point value expected
After changing line #10 in /*newOrigin = new Array(2),*/ newOrigin = new Array(0,0),
the script works. but all contents of every new text frames is: undefined-NaN
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Seems relative to this post: Re: textFrame resides in a "grid location"
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YES! moluapple​ I am building off of that code. I have 2 different accounts.... one is for work and one is for my personal stuff. I accidentally posted this under the wrong profile. Thanks so much for your help on the other post!
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I am running the script from ESTK. Sorry I pasted in a working version....this is my final code....
#target illustrator
function findGrid() {
var d = activeDocument,
ps = d.layers['42 Pg Grid Location'].pathItems,
l = ps.length,
W, H,
rows = columns = 1,
origin = d.rulerOrigin,
newOrigin = new Array(2),
t, b, center, gx, gy,
i = 0;
for (; i < l; i++) {
if (ps.width == 0) {
!newOrigin[1] && newOrigin[1] = origin[1] + ps.geometricBounds[3];
!H && H = ps.height;
if (ps.height == 0) {
!newOrigin[0] && newOrigin[0] = origin[0] + ps.geometricBounds[2];
!W && W = ps.width;
d.rulerOrigin = newOrigin;
W = W / columns;
H = H / rows;
t = app.selection
; b = t.geometricBounds;
center = [b[0] + (b[2] - b[0]) / 2, b[1] + (b[3] - b[1]) / 2];
gx = Math.abs(center[0]) / W;
gy = Math.abs(center[1]) / H;
d.rulerOrigin = origin;
xCoor = -50;
yCoor = 0;
createGridText = d.textFrames.add();
createGridText.position = [xCoor, yCoor = (inc -= 20)];
createGridText.contents = '' + o[Math.ceil(gy - 1)] + "-" + Math.ceil(gx);
inc = 0;
incTwo = 0;
d = activeDocument
for (var z = 0; z < selection.length; z++) {
xC = -350;
yC = 0;
createComponentText = d.textFrames.add();
createComponentText.position = [xC, yC = (incTwo -= 20)];
createComponentText.contents = selection
.contents; findGrid();
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wolfeEdition schrieb
I am running the script from ESTK. Sorry I pasted in a working version....this is my final code....
Okay. I see. This snippet required the: Find Text Grid Location.pdf
In other documents the script cannot work.
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Is there an easy way to get all of this to happen on a new document instead of the current active document? Meaning it gathers all the information from the current active document and then puts it all on a new document.
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You mean save as a copy, then process?