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Hi guys,
I have the problem that the UI of Illustrator and InDesign is too small. Photoshop and Muse scale the UI just fine, whereas InDesign's and Illustrator's interface is not usable. In the settings, the scaling is already set to the highest value, so I do not understand why the UI is still small. It is a very frustrating issue, since it is a real pain to work with these small icons.
I am on a Thinkpad T570 with a 4K-Panel, Windows 10 scaling is set to 250%. I added a screenshot where you can see the difference between the UI of PS and ID.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi there,
We are glad to inform you that this has been addressed in our latest update released today. Please install and let us know if that helps
1) Do one of the following:
2) Adjust the UI Scaling slider. A preview of the scaled UI is displayed in the Preferences dialog box.
3) Select the Scale Cursor Proportionately option to scale the cursor icons in proportion to the UI.
4) To apply t
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Hello, InDesign's interface is just as small. How do we tell Adobe?
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I dont have the UI Scaling slider under (macOS) Choose Illustrator > Preferences > User Interface. Its missing.
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Which version of Illustrator is it?
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I've seen the "solution" answer below: a slider to adjust the scaling on the UI, but mine doesn't have that slider (it only has a light/dark slider but not a size one. What's the deal, it looks like this bug hasn't been fixed for at least 2 years?
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Which version of Illustrator is it?
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i dont seem to haVE that option
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Which version of Illustrator is it?
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I am still pulling my hair our over this. I have downloaded and installed the latest CSS updates and still do not see the UI slider in Edit/Preferences/User Interface in Adobe Illustrator CS6. These tiny icons are making this software unusable. Windows 10, latestest Adobe updates. Any assistance warmly appreciated.
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Hi Eugene,
So sorry about this frustration. This feature was added in version 2019 and is unavailable for any version before that. We strongly recommend upgrading your software to a newer version that is supported. That way, we can provide you access to the latest updates and bug fixes. I apologize for the frustration. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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I too, am having this problem. Too small to see. I have done everything in the settings with the UI and I have updated. I just purchased InDesign this year, 2020, so all the updates that are being talked about should be installed. Please help and thank you in advance.
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InDesign doesn't have UI scaling.
As for Illustrator: can you please tell us which system you have and also which hardware/monitor/graphic card you use. Is there more than one monitor?
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Hi Carol,
Thanks for reaching out. You can scale the user interface of Illustrator based on your screen resolution. When you launch Illustrator with fresh preference settings, it identifies your screen resolution and adjusts the application scale factor accordingly.
I would suggest if you could share few more details along with the ones asked by Monika. For example:
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For Pete's sake, tell the engineers to please get this feature -- UI scaling -- in to InDesign!!!!!!!!!!!
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Do you have any updates on how this works? they seem to have chnages the menu
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But will be able to enlarge InDesign's UI icons?
Also: is there a way to downsize the desktop space around the page(s)?