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Illustrator does not offer a direct way to convert dashed lines (e.g. for cutting plotters or CNC engraving).
Please do not reply to suggest the way to set the outline thickness to a very small value e.g. 0.0001pt. This way still creates filled rectangles and not real lines and is therefore unsuitable.
I also know some existing scripts that try to redraw the dash line. Unfortunately, these scripts are not an option either, because the results sometimes differ from the originals.
For several years I have used the manual way to break up a dashed line into single (real) lines:
- select the dashed line
- (optionally) create a duplicate and turn off the visibility of the original
- draw a horizontal straight line (helper object)
- remove the dash line attribute from the straight line (helper object)
- create an artbrush from this line (option: Artbrush, no further options, usually just confirm twice)
- delete the line (helper object)
- assign the newly created brush to the original dashed line (or its duplicate)
- use the menu command Object --> Expand Appearance
- ungroup two times
- group the selection and name the group as desired
- delete the artbrush
Since this process is rare, but needs to be done over and over again, I wanted to create a script.
Unfortunately there is a problem. Adobe Extendscript cannot be used to create or delete a brush. But it is possible to create a brush with an action. This action can be included in a script. But this way always needs additional confirmations by the user:
- select the option: Artbrush
- confirmation of the selection with [OK]
- confirming the options dialog with [OK] (usually without further settings)
Question: Does anyone know a way to create an art brush via script or action without additional user interaction (and delete it afterwards)?
For those interested, here is an example action to create a brush in text form:
/version 3
/name [ 16
/isOpen 1
/actionCount 1
/action-1 {
/name [ 16
/keyIndex 0
/colorIndex 0
/isOpen 1
/eventCount 1
/event-1 {
/useRulersIn1stQuadrant 0
/internalName (ai_plugin_brush)
/localizedName [ 6
/isOpen 1
/isOn 1
/hasDialog 0
/parameterCount 1
/parameter-1 {
/key 1835363957
/showInPalette -1
/type (enumerated)
/name [ 12
/value 1
Many thanks in advance.
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Well, then I may consider to irritate you with some more comments, so you will eventually write a perfect script and provide it for free, just to have some peace and quiet. 🙂
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Today I had some ideas to improve the Dash Nipper actions.
Of course, at the moment I will behave with discretion until Pixxxelschubser evaluates all the different approaches that he got in the past. As announced some times ago.