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Hey there
I am trying to make the attached icon - At the moment its a bit rough so I need to make it mathmatically correct - I am also hoping that there is some solution that I can tweak the spaces between the pattern pieces in the bottom section - to make sure I get it right.
Does anyone know the best way to tackle this in illustrator - Would a brush work best - or is there a better way of rotating objects?
1 Correct answer
Apart from the fact that what looks right is right, in some cases/parts it can best be made using mathematics/geometry, but that requires your making some fundamental choices, such as:
Proportion of inner bounds of outer parts to the central circle,
Whether the inner bounds are to be the same for the top with the spokes and the shape with the white letters (they seem to be),
Whether the outer bounds are to be the same for top and bottom (they seem to be different, the spokes being s
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What would 'mathematically correct' mean here? Do the lines of both the 'V' and 'I' elements need to radiate from the centre?
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Hey Doug - Good question - should have explained. So - Yes V and I to radiate from the centre - but also be equal distance from each other - ideally I would like a bit more distance between the 'I' and the edge - so I was hoping there would be a solution a bit like 'distribute objects evenly where I could tweak this evenly.
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I'm not sure there is a single 'mathematically correct' solution -- as the 'I' elements at the sides sit below the centre, but the bottom one is central, the distances or the size of elements would need to vary somewhat. Also I don't know which looks less 'wrong': radiation from the logo's centre or from the centre point created by the horizontal 'I' elements.
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Thanks so much for putting this together. - Such a great way of bringing the symmetry - I found that it didnt look quite right so did a bit of visual tweaking myself.
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Melaniescooby, Hi. This was a fun challenge.
Here are the steps I took to recreate.
I random color as I work.
Side note, I always dulicate my paths or layers before expanding or outlining in case of editing.
Getting started. Draw concentric circles + crosshair. Align
Next, Effects>Transform for “Spikes”. Expand Transform.
For the Roman Numeral Type, I used a capital I and capital V. It’s type on a path. All type is live. Tweak your settings in Character Panel and Type on Path>Options. When finish, Outline text.
Next is Live Paint. Expand Paint, delete your strokes. Pathfinders>Unite same colors.
The final here I recolored, 2 colors.
If you need more details, please let me know.
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Wow - thanks so much for putting that together - definiely illustratred that the mathematical approach wasnt going to give me the results I wanted so I had to do some rejigging.
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Apart from the fact that what looks right is right, in some cases/parts it can best be made using mathematics/geometry, but that requires your making some fundamental choices, such as:
Proportion of inner bounds of outer parts to the central circle,
Whether the inner bounds are to be the same for the top with the spokes and the shape with the white letters (they seem to be),
Whether the outer bounds are to be the same for top and bottom (they seem to be different, the spokes being shorter), or which difference is desired (one option could be that the outer bounds of the spokes correspond to midway between the outer bounds of the shape and the letters),
Whether the whole rim round the letters is to have the same width (it seems to vary),
Whether the top of the bottom part is to be flush with the centre,
The transition from spokes to the bottom shape (likely to be determined/adjusted optically),
Choice of centre for the letters at the bottom (consistent with only one centre).
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Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this - Yes indeed - the mathematical approach was not possible so some decisions had to be made.
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For my part you are welcome, Melanie.
I for one should enjoy seeing the outcome, but only if you wish to share the final work.
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Sure - this is the final - Not quite mathematically correct, but the client is happy.
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I am afraid there is no final image, Melanie.
To make it immediaately visible without having to open the attachiment, you can show it by using the Insert Images button at the top of the Reply box (it looks like moon over mountains).