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Hi, I've scanned a line drawing into photoshop. However the width of the lines aren't equal as they are hand drawn. How do I edit the line width in Photoshop?
I want all the lines to have an equal width to make it a smoother image.
[ moved from Photoshop to Illustrator by moderator ]
I'm curious. Because that's an interesting topic.
Can you show us your result, please?
It seems your question is solved, even though your didn't mark any answers as helpful or correct answers.
I have 'played' a little with your graphic.
At first (as I wrote in my post #5) you have to looking for for the basic elements of your pattern.
One note: Your graphic was skew scanned or photographed.
Rotate back by 1 degree. Otherwise your pattern will not match in vertical and horizontal alignm
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You would most likely need to use Adobe Illustrator > Image Trace for that, can you post the image in question
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Illustrator is a better application for this. However, you can do the same in Photoshop just not as easy. Draw shapes with the pen tool, and give the shape a stroke color without a fill.
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Okay, I have downloaded Illustrator.
This is the image I want to equalise the line width
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Open the image in Illustrator and then go to Window > Image Trace, when the Image Trace dialog opens select Line Art from the preset menu
Then click on the Trace button, you will get a warning message just click OK, once it's finished click on the Expand button
You can then save as an AI file and open it in Photoshop
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There is no need to trace the whole image.
With small changings you have to trace only a part of your image and after than you can create a seemless pattern in Illustrator.
by pixxxel schubser
Image was masked because of unclear legal situation,
but leave for showing only the technical background.
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As you may have guessed I don't use Illustrator that much and only know the basics
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enough knowledge to give help
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maybe a bit helpful
You have to clean the file afterwards. But this seems to be a good base.
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Thankyou! I've managed to do it
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I'm curious. Because that's an interesting topic.
Can you show us your result, please?
It seems your question is solved, even though your didn't mark any answers as helpful or correct answers.
I have 'played' a little with your graphic.
At first (as I wrote in my post #5) you have to looking for for the basic elements of your pattern.
One note: Your graphic was skew scanned or photographed.
Rotate back by 1 degree. Otherwise your pattern will not match in vertical and horizontal alignment.
Create the base parts. And make a pattern from this elements.
You can use this pattern swatch to fill other shapes.
Hope to hear from you.
by pixxxel schubser
Images was masked because of unclear legal situation,
but leave for showing only the technical background.
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This is what I was able to do in Illustrator;
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Glad to see everyone pushed to Illustrator. I do a lot of traditional pencil and ink sketches that I then import into Adobe Illustrator and then use a template.
In new layers I redraw everything. And sometimes I make changes fro mthe original pencil/ink art.
But this looks like a lovely pattern!
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Hi lucym94382375​,
should this thread moved to the Illustrator Forum?
Are you beginner with Illustrator or do you have already skills with this program?
I have a few more questions before public more images/files:
Can you please answer this questions honestly before we continue the topic.
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Yeah it can be moved. I'm a total beginner with Illustrator-never used it before.
It was an outline of a William Morris floral image I got from a book. No not looking to sell? Although you can as you added the colours to it!