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I do not like Myriad Pro and want to remove it from being the default for pretty much everything Adobe makes. Starting new files with templates saved with a different fonts open with Myriad as the default font. What happens if I just delete that entire font file from the computer? Will our entire Adobe DC suite have a giant fit?
Create a new document in the color mode and size that you want.
Choose: Window > Type > Character Styles
Double Click the "Normal Character Style"
Choose the Basic Character Formats option
Change the Font Family to something you like
Click OK
Save the file with a recognizable name in the New Document Profiles folder
To make it easier to find when you create a new document:
In the Illustrator Preferences > General check the Use legacy "File New" interface
You can choose your preset when you create a new
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I feel yer pain. I too hate Myriad Pro, and every time I try to get rid of it, it keeps rising from the grave like some kind of undead monster in a movie. Only it's not a movie. It is all too real. The horror! (No, not being sarcastic. I really, REALLY hate Myriad Pro. Like Comic-sans-level hate. Do not like.
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Hi Ton,
I'm trying to make this work (I too hate Myriad Pro) but it keeps telling me that I don't have access privileges to save a file in the New Document Profiles folder. Any suggestions?
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Save your modified file to your desktop and manually move it to the New Document Profiles folder (you may need your computer admin password)
(I like Myriad Pro)
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Thanks much! Now if I can figure out how to get Myriad off of Keynote (but that's probably not Adobe's fault.....)
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OK, I did that and nothing least, I don't think so. When I try to make a new document, I don't see the one I put in the profiles folder. Where is it supposed to be?
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That is a good question, you probably are using the large New Document window with Recent - Saved - Mobile and so on. It should be in the section where the new preset was based on.
If you modified a Print preset you would find in it in the Print section, but then you probably also have to click View All Presets+ and search for the one you created.
I prefer to check in the Preferences > General the "Use legacy "File New" interface".
It is then much easier to select it from the Profile list.
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Ah, that works. Thanks again!
Now, to find the equivalent moves in Premiere and AfterEffects....
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This is the most appalling part of Adobe's user interface. Every time I want to start a new document in ANY Adobe app, it gives me Myriad Pro (BLECCHH!). You'd think Adobe would be a little more user-friendly after all these years of people bitching about this.
If I work for a company and we have design standards, it would make it MUCH easier if I could globally set the default font style in ALL Adobe products. Instead, I have to spend hours searching the web for a process that doesn't seem to exit. THIS is where Adobe always falls short. They are so worried about programming the latest whiz-bang feature that they forget the basics. And like a baseball team that doesn't practice the basics, they look great in spring training but they NEVER make it to the world Series.
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"they NEVER make it to the world Series"
Oh, really? Have you taken a look at the stock market lately?
All the apps offer the possiblity to create templates of some sort. What's so difficult about reading the documentation and then creating templates? Referring to the official documentation, not Youtube.
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"What's so difficult about reading the documentation and then creating templates?"
Nice snark, Monika! Loosen up your man bun, girl. No need to get personal. Ross might fall for specious arguments, but not me.
I stick with my NEVER statement. As long as I've been using Adobe products, they've been putting speed bumps in the workflow. Adobe is JUST starting to get their documentation in order, so nice try Monika.
That you value their stock price over the creation of a user-friendly interface tells me all I need to know. HAIL HAIL the OLIGARCHS! How many document and or media styles do you work with? Adobe is asking me to create "template" and "libraries" for EVERY type of art I make in EVERY program I use. It would take their programmers MAYBE 100 hours to create a solution for this. Instead, they make their users collectively spend millionsd of hours finding workarounds.
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"Loosen up your man bun, girl."
I love it when guys "don't get personal". LOL.
"That you value their stock price over the creation of a user-friendly interface tells me all I need to know. "
Well, who started talking about the "world series"?
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You get what you give Monika. Maybe you should get into comedy writing since you decided to stick with the personal, and evaded any real discussion of the "user-interface implications" of Adobe's decision. When I mentioned the World Series, I was talking about being a results (customer), as opposed to profit, oriented one.
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I actually don't see your point.
For my different clients I'm pretty happy with the possiblity to set up different templates. That works fine for me. I don't want styles to be unified over all the apps, because different projects need different settings.
If you want to bring text styles from Illustrator to InDesign to Photoshop (and vice versa), try putting them into the CC libraries.
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I can certainly see your need for a variety of styles. For many of us this solution doesn't work well with our circumstance. That's why I think creating an overarching style "sheet" that would apply to all Adobe products within a project makes sesne.
If I have a project or a client, and I could apply a font style sheet to Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Animate, and Premiere, it would help me to create consistent "branding" for the client or project. The style sheet wouldn't have to be the same for every client or project. Think of what this could allow you to do. . . . Being able to globally change fonts would allow the creation of multiple mockups across ALL of your outputs with different looks you could present and sell to your client.
Just dreaming aloud. . . .
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Make a feature request if this is so important to you.
It's the only way to even try to make this happen.
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On your suggestion, I submitted the idea. Lets hope seeing it here and in the feature suggestions make the dream come true.
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In the Windows version the "required" fonts library is in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2020\Support Files\Required\Fonts
The folder contains 22 OpenType files and 1 Postscript Type 1 font file. That includes 4 Myriad files. I've never tried to see what would happen if any of those files were removed. I'm not sure what would happen if one were to try to install any of those fonts straight into the Windows OS fonts folder for other applications to use.
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Please post the link to the suggestion. In this thread there is some probability that people will see it and they can then vote on it.
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OK, but you have to promise to vote based on the merit of the suggestion, not on our rancorous introduction. LOL
Thanks for your help!
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I didn't realize such hatred existed for the Myriad Pro typeface. But I suppose it's understandable given the fact Myriad has been a default typeface in Adobe applications for decades.
The typeface I simply cannot stand, the one that is the visual equivalent of fingernails dragging across a chalkboard, is freaking Arial. I really detest Arial. The typeface has a controversial history: Microsoft commissioned it to avoid using Helvetica in the Windows OS (and paying whatever Linotype wanted at the time for licensing fees). But that's not why I hate Arial. I work in the sign industry. And I associate Arial with rot-gut, deplorably bad sign designs. Arial Bold and Arial Black is routinely stretched and squeezed to fit any given space.
The letter forms of Arial are harsh looking; they don't have the sense of balance, order and neutrality of Helvetica (particulaly the 80's Neue Helvetica or Helvetica Now from 2019). Even Myriad Pro looks more "clean" and balanced than Arial. And Myriad Pro has a lot more weights and widths than Arial. In the 1990's there was a Type 1 Multiple Master version of Myriad. Now there is a Variable Font version of Myriad Pro.
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I wholeheartedly agree. When presenting project ideas, I try (and probably fail miserably) to allow the client to choose what font best suits a project. It's funny, but there are lots of corporate clients that like Arial because it's a cheap (free) alternative to Helvetica, which I agree is a much better option.
In the end, these decisions aren't my call but I have to follow the demands of the people who issue the checks.
I really like the way Adobe products integrate to make the process easier. I just wish the same could be said for font choice.
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You cn create your own prset file for Illustrator and use other fonts.
InIndesign go to preferences when no document are open and choose any font you want.
Or just diusable Myriad..we got to pick our battels.....