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Hi all, does anybody know if, via ExtendScript, we can determine if a stroked path item is "aligning to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit"? I'm talking about this option in the UI:
I couldn't find anything in the object model, but might have missed something. If it turns out that this property isn't exposed via the API, I can probably make a hack that analyzes the outlined stroke to check, but I'd rather not have to. Thanks for looking.
- Mark
1 Correct answer
I've written a function that returns true when the item has dashes aligned. Figured I should post it here for anyone who happens along later.
- Mark
Edit: now works with compoundPaths.
Get Stroke Dashes Alignment Style
For Adobe Illustrator 2022
by m1b,
This function returns true if the item's stroke
dash alignment is set to 'aligning
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Oh, just found this post, asking same question. Sorry for repeat.
- Mark
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Yes exactly @femkeblanco! I'm still chipping away at it, bit by bit. I think I'll have a solution soon, depending on how much time I get to work on it this week. It really sent me down a rabbit hole! I will post on the original thread when I get somewhere.
- Mark
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Good luck!
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I've written a function that returns true when the item has dashes aligned. Figured I should post it here for anyone who happens along later.
- Mark
Edit: now works with compoundPaths.
Get Stroke Dashes Alignment Style
For Adobe Illustrator 2022
by m1b,
This function returns true if the item's stroke
dash alignment is set to 'aligning to corners
and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit'.
At this time there is no API access to this setting
so this method is quite hacky: it converts a model
duplicate of the item into outline stroke
and counts the number of dashes.
`item` must be a pathItem or compoundPathItem
and must have a dashed stroke.
function strokeDashesAreAligned(item, keepSelection) {
if (
item == undefined || !(item.hasOwnProperty('pathPoints') || item.hasOwnProperty('pathItems'))
) return;
var dashesAreAligned;
// we only worry about storing the
// selection because the outline
// stroke test later destroys it
keepSelection = keepSelection || true;
var doc = getParentDocument(item),
selectedItems = [];
if (keepSelection) {
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++) {
if (item.typename == 'CompoundPathItem') {
if (
item.pathItems[0].stroked == false
|| item.pathItems[0].strokeDashes.length == 0
) return;
// duplicate
var dup = item.duplicate();
doc.selection = null;
dup.selected = true;
// uncompound
// collect the resulting path items
var pathItemsToDelete = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++)
// get result on just the first path
dashesAreAligned = strokeDashesAreAligned(pathItemsToDelete[0], keepSelection);
// remove uncompounded duplicates
for (var i = pathItemsToDelete.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
} else {
if (
item.stroked == false
|| item.strokeDashes.length == 0
) return;
// duplicate item
var modelPathItem = item.duplicate();
// standardise model
var standardPoints = [[0, 0], [3, 0]];
modelPathItem.filled = false;
modelPathItem.stroked = true;
modelPathItem.strokeWidth = 0.1;
modelPathItem.strokeDashes = [1];
modelPathItem.closed = false;
for (var i = modelPathItem.pathPoints.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i >= standardPoints.length) {
} else {
modelPathItem.pathPoints[i].anchor = standardPoints[i];
modelPathItem.pathPoints[i].leftDirection = standardPoints[i];
modelPathItem.pathPoints[i].rightDirection = standardPoints[i];
// convert to outlined stroke
// must clear selection to do this
doc.selection = null;
modelPathItem.selected = true;
app.executeMenuCommand('OffsetPath v22');
modelPathItem = doc.selection[0];
// the model, once converted to compoundPathItem,
// will have 2 pathItems if dashes are not aligned,
// or 3 if dashes are aligned
var dashesAreAligned = modelPathItem.pathItems.length == 3;
// remove the model and reselect the original
// re-instate inital selection
for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
selectedItems[i].selected = true;
return dashesAreAligned;
function getParentDocument(obj) {
while (obj.hasOwnProperty('parent') && != 'Document')
obj = obj.parent;
return obj;