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Script help, please!

New Here ,
Jun 11, 2024 Jun 11, 2024



I made 2 scripts that used to work great, but no longer are. Any advice?


This is what I've tried thus far to no avail:

  • Tried in Ai 2021 and 2022
  • checked the file sharing permissions and made them read and write accessible to me and other people.
  • copied them to my desktop to see if those would work
  • restarted my computer


Script 1 takes a csv file with RGB info and loads the colors as swatches. When it works, it tells me to select a CSV file before creating the swatches.

Script 2 takes swatches and make them into little rectangle with the color name on it and the RGB values. 

How-to , Scripting
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Explorer ,
Jun 11, 2024 Jun 11, 2024


Can you send me your scripts and CSV files? 

you can attach here or mail me at (personal info removed by moderator)

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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2024 Jun 12, 2024

Here are the scripts... and I've attached a representative csv file. 


Script 1 (pasted from jsx file):

#target illustrator

function main() {
if (isOSX()) {
var csvFile = File.openDialog('Select a CSV File', function(f) {
return (f instanceof Folder) || f.name.match(/\.csv$/i);
} else {
var csvFile = File.openDialog('Select a CSV File', 'comma-separated-values(*.csv):*.csv;');
if (csvFile != null) {
fileArray = readInCSV(csvFile);
var columns = fileArray[0].length;
//alert('CSV file has ' + columns + ' columns…');
var rows = fileArray.length;
//alert('CSV file has ' + rows + ' rows…');
if (columns == 4 && rows > 0) {
} else {
var mess = 'Incorrect CSV File?';
isOSX ? saySomething(mess) : alert(mess);
} else {
var mess = 'Ooops!!!';
isOSX ? saySomething(mess) : alert(mess);

function exchangeSwatches(csvFile) {
// var docRef = app.documents.add();
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var swatchgroup = docRef.swatchGroups.add();
swatchgroup.name = csvFile.name;
with(docRef) {
/* for (var i = swatches.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
} */
for (var a = 0; a < fileArray.length; a++) {
var n = fileArray[a][0]; // First Column is name
if (n == 'Cyan' || n == 'Magenta' || n == 'Yellow' || n == 'Black') {
n = n + '-???'; // Reserved swatch name;
r = parseFloat(fileArray[a][1]); // Second Column is Red
g = parseFloat(fileArray[a][2]); // Third Column is Green
b = parseFloat(fileArray[a][3]); // Forth Column is Bloo
if (r >= 0 && r <= 255 && g >= 0 && g <= 255 && b >= 0 && b <= 255) {
var color = new RGBColor;
color.red = r;
color.green = g;
color.blue = b;
var swatch = swatches.add();
swatch.name = n;
swatch.color = color;
} else {
var mess = 'Color values are out of range?';
isOSX ? saySomething(mess) : alert(mess);

function readInCSV(fileObj) {
var fileArray = new Array();
fileObj.seek(0, 0);
while (!fileObj.eof) {
var thisLine = fileObj.readln();
var csvArray = thisLine.split(',');
return fileArray;

function saySomething(stringObj) {
var speakThis = 'I say, "' + stringObj + '"';

function isOSX() {
return $.os.match(/Macintosh/i);


And script 2 (also pasted from JSX file):

// Render Swatch Legend v1.4.4 -- CC
// This script will generate a legend of rectangles for every swatch in the main swatches palette.
// You can configure spacing and value display by configuring the variables at the top
// of the script.
// update: v1.1 now tests color brightness and renders a white label if the color is dark.
// update: v1.2 uses adobe colour converter, rather than rgb colour conversion for a closer match.
// update: v1.3 adds multiple colour space values based on array printColors.
// update: v1.4.1 Updated by CarlCanto > https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/illustrator-javascript-render-swatch-legend-l...
// update: v1.4.2 Only on selected Rombout Versluijs
// update: v1.4.3 Added HEX colors Rombout Versluijs
// update: v1.4.4 Added Split by Color Component Rombout Versluijs

// LAB values by Carlos Canto - 09/16/2020
// reference: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/illustrator-javascript-render-swatch-legend-lab-colour-va...
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes.com ) www.wundes.com
// copyright full text here: http://www.wundes.com/js4ai/copyright.txt
// Edits by Adam Green (@wrokred) www.wrokred.com

doc = activeDocument,
swatches = doc.swatches.getSelected(),
cols = 50, // number of columns in group
displayAs = "RGBColor"
printColors = ["RGB"], // RGB, CMYK, LAB and/or GrayScale
colorSeparator = " ", // Character used to separate the colours eg "|" output = R: XXX|G: XXX|B: XXX
splitColorComponents = false;
textSize = 10, // output text size value in points
rectRef = null,
textRectRef = null,
textRef = null,
swatchColor = null,
w = 125;
h = 192,
h_pad = 10,
v_pad = 10,
t_h_pad = 10,
t_v_pad = 10,
x = null,
y = null,
black = new GrayColor(),
white = new GrayColor();
black.gray = 100;
white.gray = 0;
activeDocument.layers[0].locked = false;
var newGroup = doc.groupItems.add();
newGroup.name = "NewGroup";
newGroup.move(doc, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
for (var c = 0, len = swatches.length; c < len; c++) {
var swatchGroup = doc.groupItems.add();
swatchGroup.name = swatches[c].name;
x = (w + h_pad) * ((c) % cols);
y = (h + v_pad) * (Math.round(((c+2) + .03) / cols)) * -1;
rectRef = doc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, w, h);
swatchColor = swatches[c].color;
rectRef.fillColor = swatchColor;
textRectRef = doc.pathItems.rectangle(y - t_v_pad, x + t_h_pad, w - (2 * t_h_pad), h - (2 * t_v_pad));
textRef = doc.textFrames.areaText(textRectRef);
textRef.contents = swatches[c].name + "\r" + getColorValues(swatchColor);
textRef.textRange.fillColor = is_dark(swatchColor) ? white : black;
textRef.textRange.size = textSize;
rectRef.move(swatchGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
textRef.move(swatchGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
swatchGroup.move(newGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);

function getColorValues(c, spot) {
if (c.typename) {
if (c.typename == "SpotColor") {
return getColorValues(c.spot.color, c.spot);
switch (c.typename) {
case "RGBColor":
sourceSpace = ImageColorSpace.RGB;
colorComponents = [c.red, c.green, c.blue];
var outputColors = new Array();
for (var i = printColors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
colorType = printColors[i] == "HEX" ? "Indexed": printColors[i];
targetSpace = ImageColorSpace[colorType] ;

if (printColors[i] == 'LAB' && spot && spot.spotKind == 'SpotColorKind.SPOTLAB') {
outputColors[i] = spot.getInternalColor();
} else if(printColors[i] == 'HEX') {
if (app.activeDocument.documentColorSpace == DocumentColorSpace.CMYK) {
colorArray = [c.cyan, c.magenta, c.yellow, c.black];
// [Math.round(c), Math.round(m), Math.round(y), Math.round(k)]
rgbConv = app.convertSampleColor(ImageColorSpace["CMYK"], colorArray, ImageColorSpace["RGB"], ColorConvertPurpose.defaultpurpose);
outputColors[i] = [rgbConv[0].toString(16), rgbConv[1].toString(16), rgbConv[2].toString(16)];
} else{
outputColors[i] = [c.red.toString(16), c.green.toString(16), c.blue.toString(16)];

else {
outputColors[i] = app.convertSampleColor(sourceSpace, colorComponents, targetSpace, ColorConvertPurpose.previewpurpose);
for (var j = outputColors[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
colorComp = splitColorComponents == true ? printColors[i].charAt(j) + ": " : "";
outputColors[i][j] = colorComp + outputColors[i][j];
} else {
outputColors[i][j] = colorComp + Math.round(outputColors[i][j]);
if (j == outputColors[i].length - 1) {
outputColors[i][j] += "\r";
outputColors[i] = outputColors[i].join(colorSeparator);
if(!splitColorComponents) outputColors[i] = printColors[i]+" "+outputColors[i]
return outputColors.join("");
return "Non Standard Color Type";

function is_dark(c) {
if (c.typename) {
switch (c.typename) {




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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2024 Jun 13, 2024

Hi @Elizabeth27148842zcxt 
the os check does not return true or false for me. I replaced this line
return $.os.match(/Macintosh/i); in function isOSX

var pattern = new RegExp("Macintosh", i);
return pattern.test($.os);
And the script is now asking for the CSV file
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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

Hello @Elizabeth27148842zcxt,

We hope Stefan's suggestions have been helpful in resolving the issue. If you still need assistance, please feel free to reply to this thread. We're here to support you.


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Enthusiast ,
Jun 12, 2024 Jun 12, 2024

I don't see any problem running a CSV script. Mac OS + Illustrator CC 2020. Try swatch_group_from_csv.jsx, only the first CSV line should be the table header.

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