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Script to Generate Line Segments but Needs to Avoid Curved Lines and Multiple Line Segments.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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Hello there!

I've developed a script to create line segments between adjacent selected objects. However, I'm facing two challenges: I want to eliminate curved segments, and I don't want multiple line segments to be generated on a single straight line with multiple anchor points. I've spent hours trying to solve this problem.
needs to avoid line segments on every curvesexpand imageneeds to treat multiple anchors in a same direction as one line segmentsexpand image
Can anyone provide some assistance? Your help is greatly appreciated!

if (app.documents.length > 0) {
  var doc = app.activeDocument;

  var strokeColor = new RGBColor();
  strokeColor.red = 0;
  strokeColor.green = 0;
  strokeColor.blue = 0;
  var strokeWidth = 0.5;

  function areAnchorPointsEqual(point1, point2) {
    return point1.anchor[0] === point2.anchor[0] && point1.anchor[1] === point2.anchor[1];

  var selectedItems = doc.selection;
  for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
    var currentItem = selectedItems[i];

    if (currentItem.typename === "GroupItem") {
      // If the selected item is a group, iterate through its pageItems
      for (var k = 0; k < currentItem.pageItems.length; k++) {
        var groupItem = currentItem.pageItems[k];
    } else {

  function processItem(item) {
    if (item.typename === "PathItem") {
      var pathPoints = item.pathPoints;

      for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
        var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
        var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

        if (!areAnchorPointsEqual(startPoint, endPoint)) {
          var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
          newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
          newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
          newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
    } else if (item.typename === "CompoundPathItem") {
      var compoundPathItems = item.pathItems;
      for (var l = 0; l < compoundPathItems.length; l++) {
        var pathItem = compoundPathItems[l];
        var pathPoints = pathItem.pathPoints;

        for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
          var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
          var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

          if (!areAnchorPointsEqual(startPoint, endPoint)) {
            var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
            newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
            newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
            newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;

Thanks in Advance!

How-to , Scripting




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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Ok, I managed to get it right for the first issue.

if (app.documents.length > 0) {
  var doc = app.activeDocument;

  var strokeColor = new RGBColor();
  strokeColor.red = 0;
  strokeColor.green = 0;
  strokeColor.blue = 0;
  var strokeWidth = 0.5;

  function hasHandles(point) {
    return (
      point.leftDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.leftDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1] ||
      point.rightDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.rightDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1]

  var selectedItems = doc.selection;
  for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
    var currentItem = selectedItems[i];

    if (currentItem.typename === "GroupItem") {
      // If the selected item is a group, iterate through its pageItems
      for (var k = 0; k < currentItem.pageItems.length; k++) {
        var groupItem = currentItem.pageItems[k];
    } else {

  function processItem(item) {
    if (item.typename === "PathItem") {
      var pathPoints = item.pathPoints;

      for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
        var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
        var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

        // Check if both anchor points have handles
        if (hasHandles(startPoint) && hasHandles(endPoint)) {
          continue; // Skip line segment creation

        var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
        newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
        newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
        newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
    } else if (item.typename === "CompoundPathItem") {
      var compoundPathItems = item.pathItems;
      for (var l = 0; l < compoundPathItems.length; l++) {
        var pathItem = compoundPathItems[l];
        var pathPoints = pathItem.pathPoints;

        for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
          var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
          var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

          // Check if both anchor points have handles
          if (hasHandles(startPoint) && hasHandles(endPoint)) {
            continue; // Skip line segment creation

          var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
          newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
          newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
          newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;

one problem to go!




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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unfortunately, this one still did not get the final result I sought. if a line has an anchor point with outer handles which straightly connected to another anchor point with a handle out. it will refuse to create a line. sigh




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Guide ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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What is the purpose of the script? Can you give the simplest example of what you are using it for? 




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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Thanks for asking! So, the script's primary purpose is to simplify complex paths by converting straight segments into individual line segments while ignoring curved segments. This can be helpful for various tasks where you want to work with the straight parts of a path, such as simplifying complex shapes or creating basic geometric figures. It is also useful for checking optical characters for small bezier curves within straight lines. By creating line segments from straight path segments and ignoring the curved ones, you can easily identify and isolate areas where the characters or shapes might have unintentional curves. Soon it will be like guiding me in generating grids for straight lines.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2023 Oct 22, 2023

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Sequence 01_2.gifexpand image




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Guide ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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Regarding the first point, this is what your original script gives me.  If this is what you want, and you are not getting, I would focus on debugging this.  One possibility is that the script doesn't handle items >1 group deep.  Could you show the hierarchy of the items in an expanded layers panel? 

femkeblanco_1-1698101360042.pngexpand image




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

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Yes that mockup you've provided was using the initial code.

However, my current issue for now is to handle a straight line which has both 2 anchors which has handles out.
like this:
Screenshot 2023-10-25 114748.pngexpand image
Anyway, below is the updated code that will run with groups, objects, and compound paths in selection

if (app.documents.length > 0) {
  var doc = app.activeDocument;

  var strokeColor = new RGBColor();
  strokeColor.red = 0;
  strokeColor.green = 0;
  strokeColor.blue = 0;
  var strokeWidth = 0.5;

  function hasHandles(point) {
    return (
      point.leftDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.leftDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1] ||
      point.rightDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.rightDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1]

  var selectedItems = doc.selection;
  for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
    var currentItem = selectedItems[i];

    if (currentItem.typename === "GroupItem") {
      // If the selected item is a group, iterate through its pageItems
      for (var k = 0; k < currentItem.pageItems.length; k++) {
        var groupItem = currentItem.pageItems[k];
    } else {

  function processItem(item) {
    if (item.typename === "PathItem") {
      var pathPoints = item.pathPoints;

      for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
        var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
        var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

        // Check if both anchor points have handles
        if (hasHandles(startPoint) && hasHandles(endPoint)) {
          continue; // Skip line segment creation

        var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
        newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
        newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
        newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
    } else if (item.typename === "CompoundPathItem") {
      var compoundPathItems = item.pathItems;
      for (var l = 0; l < compoundPathItems.length; l++) {
        var pathItem = compoundPathItems[l];
        var pathPoints = pathItem.pathPoints;

        for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints.length; j++) {
          var startPoint = pathPoints[j];
          var endPoint = pathPoints[(j + 1) % pathPoints.length];

          // Check if both anchor points have handles
          if (hasHandles(startPoint) && hasHandles(endPoint)) {
            continue; // Skip line segment creation

          var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
          newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor]);
          newLine.strokeColor = strokeColor;
          newLine.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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The image below is the piece of lines in the condition where I need to keep generating a new line segment 

Screenshot 2023-10-25 173555.pngexpand image




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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Please also see the attached image below, the black outlines are straight segments. This is the exact end result I want. Hope these images helps. TIA

Screenshot 2023-10-25 181427.pngexpand image




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 27, 2023 Oct 27, 2023

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updated code, 

var doc = app.activeDocument;

// Set stroke properties for the line segments
function setStrokeProperties(item) {
    item.stroked = true; // Ensure it's stroked
    item.strokeWidth = 2; // Set the stroke width

    var newColor;
    // Set the stroke color based on the document's color space
    if (doc.documentColorSpace == DocumentColorSpace.RGB) {
        newColor = new RGBColor();
        newColor.red = 0;
        newColor.green = 0;
        newColor.blue = 0;
    } else if (doc.documentColorSpace == DocumentColorSpace.CMYK) {
        newColor = new CMYKColor();
        newColor.cyan = 0;
        newColor.magenta = 0;
        newColor.yellow = 0;
        newColor.black = 100;

    item.strokeColor = newColor;

// Function to set the bezier handle properties
function BEZIER(point, pathPoints, index) {
    // Check if the segment is a curve and avoid generating lines
    if (
        (point.leftDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.leftDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1]) &&
        (point.rightDirection[0] !== point.anchor[0] || point.rightDirection[1] !== point.anchor[1])
    ) {
        return true;

    // Skip line segment creation of open paths
    if (
        (pathPoints.parent.closed === false) &&
        (index === 0 || index === pathPoints.length - 1)
    ) {
        return true;

    // If none of the above conditions are met, generate lines
    return false;

// Function to create line segments with a stable stroke color
function createLineSegment(startPoint, endPoint) {
    var newLine = doc.pathItems.add();
    newLine.setEntirePath([startPoint, endPoint]);
    setStrokeProperties(newLine); // Set stroke properties and color

    // Place the line segment in the "LINE SEGMENTS" layer
    newLine.layer = lineLayer;

// Create a new layer for line segments
var lineLayer = doc.layers.add();
lineLayer.name = "LINE SEGMENTS";

// Function to process different item types
function processItem(item) {
    if (item.typename === "GroupItem") {
        var groupItems = item.pageItems;
        for (var j = 0; j < groupItems.length; j++) {
    } else if (item.typename === "PathItem") {
        var pathPoints = item.pathPoints;
        if (pathPoints.length === 2) {
            if (
                (pathPoints[0].leftDirection[0] !== pathPoints[0].anchor[0] || pathPoints[0].leftDirection[1] !== pathPoints[0].anchor[1]) &&
                (pathPoints[1].rightDirection[0] !== pathPoints[1].anchor[0] || pathPoints[1].rightDirection[1] !== pathPoints[1].anchor[1])
            ) {
                return; // Skip line segment creation
            createLineSegment(pathPoints[0].anchor, pathPoints[1].anchor);
        } else {
            for (var k = 0; k < pathPoints.length; k++) {
                var startPoint = pathPoints[k];
                var endPoint = pathPoints[(k + 1) % pathPoints.length];
                if (BEZIER(startPoint, pathPoints, k) && BEZIER(endPoint, pathPoints, (k + 1) % pathPoints.length)) {
                    continue; // Skip line segment creation
                createLineSegment(startPoint.anchor, endPoint.anchor);
    } else if (item.typename === "CompoundPathItem") {
        // Recursively process each path item within the compound path
        for (var i = 0; i < item.pathItems.length; i++) {

// Now, process the selected items to generate lines
var selectedItems = doc.selection;
for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
  var currentItem = selectedItems[i];

  if (currentItem.layer.name === "DUP") {


The last thing I want to remove is in red :
Screenshot 2023-10-27 161825.pngexpand image




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