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I'm writing a script to clean up some imported line drawings and would really like emulate the behaviour of clicking the convert anchor point buttons in the UI. I haven't been able to find a way to do it.
My workflow is basically to select the anchorpoints that need smoothing, click the "convert to corner", which contracts all the bezier handles, then click "convert to smooth" which automatically adds nicely balanced handles with smooth curves between anchors. For my use case this actually works much better than trying to apply 'smoothing'
Simply changing the pathPoint type to PointType.CORNER and then to PointType.SMOOTH doesn't do the job.
And I can't find the button functionality as a menu item so I can go that way either.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated...
1 Correct answer
Look at these scripts:
1) Smooth Curve Points by Jim Heck
2) Smoothing by Hiroyuki Sato
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Look at these scripts:
1) Smooth Curve Points by Jim Heck
2) Smoothing by Hiroyuki Sato
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These are great @Sergey Osokin. I did a quick test and found the Jim Heck's script matches the UI's behaviour more closely. - Mark
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Hiroyuki's and Jim's scripts are totally different. The smoothing.jsx script calculates a catmull-rom spline (which is where my mind went, too) and converts to beziers, but the smoothingCurvePoints.jsx script is simply about angles and sizes and scale (25%), with really no bezier maths at all. I'm no expert but I found it quite fascinating!
- Mark
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I'm weak in the mathematics of Bezier curves. But Jim's solution is interesting. And I have seen the use of the Catmull-Rom spline more than once in the scripts of Japanese authors.
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Bonjour à tous,
En 2013, j'ai publié un script "arrondi_angle1.js" sur
A l'époque le script GenerateHandles.js de Hiroyuki ne me convenait pas entièrement, c'est pourquoi j'ai étudié le problème et faire à mon idée.
Dont voici le lien.
Je suis juste intervenu pour vérifier si je pouvais encore me connecter, j'ai corriger une faute de grammaire dans le texte, ce qui explique la mise à jour 2023 qui n'en est pas vraiment une.
le script est de l'époque de la CS2, j'ai fait quelques progrès depuis.
Il fonctionne de deux manières:
A un ratio variant de 0 Ã 1.
B En fixant la longueur des lignes directrices en points (toutes le lignes auront la même longueur).
Vous pouvez passer d'un mode à l'autre en modifiant dans la zone init du script la variable fixe = true ou false
PS Je peux éventuellement améliorer l'interface avec une boîte de dialogue.
Me le demander par mail.
Tracé d’origine en position centrale (échelle réduite)
composé de 24 points
Option fixe permet de faire en sorte que la longueur des lignes directrices de gauche de droite
soient de même longueur (donnée en pt)
On peut également demander à ne pas traiter les extrémités des tracés ouverts.
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Beautiful, René.
Thanks for contributing.
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Wonderful script, @renél80416020! Thanks for sharing.
- Mark
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wow, Sergey, thanks so much for the link to Jim Heck's script!
I had already looked at Hiroyuki's script, which is awesome but not quite what I needed.
I had started doodling with something along the same lines of Jims approach but got pretty overwhelmed by the maths.
I am constantly amazed by the generosity of these script writers, to share their work and also to annotate thier code so clearly for lowly mortals like myself... when the interent actually does something good, huzzah
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I support what you say. One of the users of my scripts said to me: "People who give these little useful things away for free are the fading heartbeat of the internet". And those were important words.