Scripts and Recoloring Images/Elements in Illustrator
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I've been using scripts to batch content in Illustrator. I used the command script and the recolor script to change the various colors across designs but when i try to get it to change the colors of images (elements I've pulled from Canva) nothing works. I don't have an extensive knowledge of Adobe so i move elements from canva into adobe to use on designs, but i need the colors to be changed of those elements, can anyone advise of how this can be done using the scripts. I've tried to edit them in photoshop and then transfer them back over but nothing is working.
Here are the scripts I've used and reference video that explains more about what I'm trying to do.
How to Find the Scripts
Download the Variable Importer Script here
Download the Create Command Layer Script here
Download the Recolor Script here
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I don't see a video or a link to one.
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Hi @Dayzia32719039bp03, just checking that you are trying to re-color *vector* graphics? \
If so, I suggest you put together a small demo file with a demo .ai document, the scripts, and short instructions for which script to use and in what order. That way, people here can follow along with your demo and see where it fails—and then they have a chance of helping you most easily.
- Mark
(If you are wanting to re-color raster graphics , the solution will be very different, and probably more difficult. Let us know that too.)