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I need to export an AI file to JPG.
For that I am using the File->Export option of Adobe Illustrator.
Now I want to do the same by using JSX Script.
I need Four JPG images of different sizes (70,150, 300,900) .
What Resolution (DPI) should I use to get images of above mentioned sizes.. or how can i dynamically set the DPI while exporting AI to JPEG image file
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You can't JPEG export is fixed to 72DPI output… What you need to do is export using the scale factors to get the required number of pixels…
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for instant reply...
can you please share me the code block if you have it...
I am using the following code:
Code |
function artboardToJPGs(size) { /* var win = new Window ("window", "Save NGC", undefined, {borderless: true}) win.pnl = win.add("panel", [10, 10, 170, 60], "Please Wait"); win.pnl.progBarLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [6, 5, 150, 55], "Creating JPEG: "+size+'x'+size); (); */
var idx, j, sizes, jpegOpt, doc, docName, dF, artBds, abName, scale, jpgFile, destinationFolder, originalImage;
jpegOpt = new ExportOptionsJPEG(); jpegOpt.Optimization = true; jpegOpt.QualitySetting = 100; jpegOpt.blurAmount=0; jpegOpt.artBoardClipping=true;
dF=new Folder(Folder.desktop+'/AI Artboard PNGs'); if ( !dF.exists ) dF.create(); doc = app.activeDocument;;
artBds = doc.artboards;
idx = artBds.getActiveArtboardIndex(); abName = artBds[ idx ].name;
var w= artBds[ idx ].artboardRect[2] - artBds[ idx ].artboardRect[0] ; var h=artBds[ idx ].artboardRect[1] - artBds[ idx ].artboardRect[3]; var width= 100+ ( (size - w)/w ) * 100;
var height= 100+ ( ( size - h )/h ) * 100; jpgFile = File( dF.fsName + '/harsh_' + size + 'x' + size + '.jpg' );
//jpegOpt.horizontalScale =width; // jpegOpt.verticalScale = height; doc.exportFile( jpgFile, ExportType.JPEG ,jpegOpt );
// win.close(); var autoFile = File( jpgFile.fsName.replace( /\s/g, '-' ) );
if ( autoFile.exists ) {
$.writeln( 'File Created ' );
autoFile.rename( '-', ' ' ) );
} alert('done'); } |
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Add the lines… Where 300 is your required DPI
jpegOpt.horizontalScale = ( 300 / 72 ) * 100;
jpegOpt.verticalScale = ( 300 / 72 ) * 100;