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Sometimes, you just gotta shake your head.

Dec 01, 2019 Dec 01, 2019

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There's a Christmas spot airing for Apple that company lawyers would argue is plausible.  I say, "Yeah.  Right"


A family goes to visit recently-widowed Grandpa at Christmas time.  On the trip there, Mom keeps sisters from bugging each other in the back seat by handing them an iPad.  Once the family gets to Grandpa's, the girls root around in the family room, finding old video casettes of family events like Grandma & Grandpa's wedding.  Younger sister says she misses Grandma.  The pair soon barges into the living room to take a picture of Grandpa, Mom & Dad.  Time passes.


As gifts are exchanged, the girls have their gift for Grandpa on their iPad.  They show him how to start the show.  There's Grandma & Grandpa dancing at their wedding, Grandma at a picnic table, then the family picture the girls recently took, with Grandma and the girls positioned in it.  Tears are shed by Grandpa.  Everyone feels warm and fuzzy.


So you have to believe that two girls aged about six and eight:

  •  Know how to run a VHS machine
  • Have the necessary hardware with them to get a VHS signal into their iPad -- and know how
  • Have the smarts to put together a 15-20 second video complete with still frames, text & masking 


The last one's the most plausible, but even that's a stretch.  They may be good with twenty-teens devices, but '70's tech?  Right.






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