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Hi all,
Starting with one shape such as my red square here # 1 I can subtract another shape such as a perfect circle with Pathfinder / minus front so the result is #2.
But I only want to subtract the stroke of the circle ie I am aiming for #3 where the white area is empty / transparent. Any ideas please how I can achieve #3 ?
Draw the circle on top of the rectangle. Circle must be on top. Give it a fill of None and give the stroke a color. Adjust the stroke weight to the desired weight.
Select only the circle and from the Object menu, choose Path > Outline Stroke.
Select both the circle and the rectangle.
In the Pathfinder panel, click the Minus Front icon.
This will result in two grouped paths.
Both will have a stroke. Since you are not showing a stroke on the inner circle, you would either need to follow Ton Frederik's
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Select both and click Make Mask in the Transparency panel.
See screendump for options.
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Select the stroke and from the top menu.
Object - path - outline stroke
This will turn the path to an object.
In the pathfinder pallet us the divide and conquer as usual.
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Draw the circle on top of the rectangle. Circle must be on top. Give it a fill of None and give the stroke a color. Adjust the stroke weight to the desired weight.
Select only the circle and from the Object menu, choose Path > Outline Stroke.
Select both the circle and the rectangle.
In the Pathfinder panel, click the Minus Front icon.
This will result in two grouped paths.
Both will have a stroke. Since you are not showing a stroke on the inner circle, you would either need to follow Ton Frederik's instructions, or you could do the following:
Remove the stroke from both shapes.
With the white arrow Direct Selection tool, carefully click just the edges where you want the stroke (After clicking the first edge, hold down Shift to add to the selection.)
Choose Edit > Copy, then Edit > Paste in Front.
Remove the fill color and apply a stroke color.
The stroke will be a separate object so you may want to Object > Group everything.
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I know this is from 2019 but I just want to say this comment just solved an issue I have been working on for around 3 hours. You are a legend!
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Three great answers, thanks to all.
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You just saved me a LOT of work... Thank you!