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Un-updated document.inkList

Valorous Hero ,
Nov 14, 2013 Nov 14, 2013

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So, I thought I was doing good getting document plates by going through the inkList, but later I found a problem:  there are some files we have which show 'ghost' spot colors in the ink list.  For example, in a file there's artwork with only 2 spot colors, going to print dialog shows the correct spot plate info.  But, looking at the inkList, there's an extra one.  Deleting all art from the document and looking at inkList again now shows 2 more 'ghost' spot colors, the names of which are revealed as the 'real' spot colors are no longer in the document.  Here's the interesting solution: going to Pring Dialog and instead of hitting 'Cancel' or "Print", if you click 'Done", the inkList now shows the correct spot colors just like print dialog does.  Does anyone know the mechanics behind this and if there's a way to refresh the print info to where inkList is fully up to date?

Right now I'm just going to hide all layers and check for spot inks, then show the layers and cross-reference the inks in both states to rule out the 'ghost' colors.Screen Shot 2013-11-14 at 9.47.58 AM.pngScreen Shot 2013-11-14 at 9.48.19 AM.pngScreen Shot 2013-11-14 at 9.49.16 AM.png







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