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What happened to Adobe Community's Customer Support quality?

Engaged ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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I am currently having issues with using Adobe Community.


First off, if I try to create a post using a 22" monitor, I cannot use its full potential because it will not let me scroll up and down, when I want to upload an image. Instead, it only clips the window, eliminating my ability to click on the upload icon, etc. because I cannot even see it. I have to use my bigger monitor that can let me see all of the required content.


Second, when I make a post I don't have the benefit of editing it anymore. If this is deliborate, how does it enhance artists' experience working with your products?


And third, if I make a post, it requires me to be signed-in to view what its status is, when it comes to whether, or not I have received any responses, instead of automatically going to my email. Attached is my current settings.

Adobe Community Issue_01.JPGexpand image


None of these issues used to be present when I needed help, but now it is nothing but a nightmare.


Sand Patch







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

1) For my part, I have no problems with my 17" laptop or my phone. Today is the first time I hear of such problems.


2) Since the conversion of the forum software, no one except the Adobe staff members knows from what rank it is possible to edit contributions. A higher ranking is necessary and, in addition, a fairly high level of participation in the forum since the switch to the new forum software. I don't know, but I'm afraid your rank and / or stake may be too low.


One possible reason for




May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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I agree there are things not to like about the new forum interface. I am learning, like anything out of my control, I just have to live with it. 

As for your "Second" point, it IS possible to edit your post by clicking the ellipse (…) at the bottom/right. Not sure why the most used option is hidded, but… that's out of my control.





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Engaged ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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Can you please visually show me where the symbol of the "ellipse" is located, or should be located? There should be an icon, titled "edit."

Adobe Community Issue_02.JPGexpand image

I fully understand that YOU, personally, are not responsible for my hardships. The fact that I need to practically babysit my post now (including this one), if I want to get an answer, is really pathedic. 


As for my third issue, I am not entirely firewalled from the Adobe Community site from my email. I got one this morning, asking me if I had received an answer for a previous inquiry. Appearently, about 15 different individuals had tried to assist me on my challenge. But, I had not received an email from a single one of them, eventhough my settings, as you can see for yourself, SHOULD have done so.


Sand Patch





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Community Expert ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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1) For my part, I have no problems with my 17" laptop or my phone. Today is the first time I hear of such problems.


2) Since the conversion of the forum software, no one except the Adobe staff members knows from what rank it is possible to edit contributions. A higher ranking is necessary and, in addition, a fairly high level of participation in the forum since the switch to the new forum software. I don't know, but I'm afraid your rank and / or stake may be too low.


One possible reason for this change is to significantly reduce the huge flood of spam. This also prevents multiple / subsequent editing of posts by new or less active accounts (e.g. to subsequently insert spam links).


3) Many forum members still have problems getting emails from the forum. For me too. This is one of the oldest and most annoying mistakes since the switch.


That's why I like to use the notification button at the top right (the little bell to the left of the profile picture)







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Engaged ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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I'll try using the "little bell" feature.


Thanks for listening, and responding to my concerds.


A years ago this was not any issue at all, with prompt responses from fellow members, etc. But, as soon as one tries to cut corners on costs, there can be downsides, and this is one of them.


Sand Patch






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