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What version of .DXF/Year of the file type is used in Adobe Illustrator when export option is used?

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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Hey Adobe Illustrator technical team. 


Running into file conversion issues with .DXF's that i'm recieveing from vendors. 


Outline of the issue. 


File is exported Via manufactures Apparel Pattern drafting softwareand sent to me. 

File downloaded, extracted, and opened in Illustrator to check pattern is to scale and modifed when necessary. Onec file integerity is confrimed, following click path is followed: File>Export> Export as> .dxf.


Key points of information needed. 

What type of .DXF is being used in Adobe Illustrator, and from what year? see most commonly used .DXF types below.

 Is there a plan to support most recent .DXF formats? 


Standard .DXF (Drawing Exchange Format):

    • This is the original and most common version of the DXF file format developed by Autodesk.
    • Standard DXF files are widely supported by various CAD software applications and are used for general data exchange between different CAD programs.
    • They support both 2D and 3D drawings, making them suitable for a wide range of design purposes.
    • Standard DXF files are not tied to any specific industry or standard, providing flexibility for different applications. 
    • ASTM DXF (American Society for Testing and Materials):
    • ASTM DXF is a variation of the DXF format developed specifically to comply with standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
    • ASTM is an international standards organization that develops and publishes technical standards for various industries, including manufacturing and construction.
    • The ASTM DXF format ensures that the data exchanged between CAD applications adheres to ASTM standards, ensuring compatibility and accuracy in certain industries where these standards are crucial.
    • AAMA DXF (American Apparel Manufacturers Association):
    • AAMA DXF is a specialized version of the DXF format created for the apparel and fashion industry.
    • The American Apparel Manufacturers Association (AAMA) developed this format to facilitate the exchange of pattern data between different pattern-making software used in the garment manufacturing process.

AAMA DXF files contain specific information related to garment patterns, such as seam allowances, notches, and grading data, making them tailored to the fashion industry's unique requirements.



When opening Adobe Illustrator .DXF a mix of issues occur in Gerber Accurmark V.11 Pattern Design.


File integrity is lost, scale is not maitained despite selecting same units of measuement as file original across file migration path. 


Multiple line layers added.


 Added nodes/anchor points that appear as notches or x's. 


 Pattern pieces fragmented into multiples. Example: pattern that contained 14 pieces was fragmented into 622 individual pattern pieces causing program crash.


Currentlty working with Gerber as well to find a slove for these issues, but answers to the questions above would help in figuring out a longterm solution. The desired outcome would be the ablity to open files to confirm scale and then export to Gerber for Pattern plotting. 


currelntly using Adobe Illustrator 27.2



Thanks for your time and consideration. 











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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/

p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.

<"moved from using the community bugs">




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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Thanks for guidance. 




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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Illustrator format is Standard DXF, I often open Gerber exported dxf files in Illustrator but I have never tried going the other way trying to import illustrator dxf into Accumark.


try asking in the Gerber forums, maybe you can get a more targeted answer.


here are a couple of threads about the topic, and it would be great if you come back and share your findings if you get any






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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Hey Carlos, Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Standard .DXF, any idea what version / year? while researching .DXF files format history, I came across the fact that

.DXf file format is updated by Autodesk almost annually.

see refernce: https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000446.shtml

Another key point that stood out while researching was that older versions can cause data loss or file integrity issues if transfering into programs using newer versions. 
Standard .DXF are considered dumb files and don’t consistently translate well into pattern drafting software that are using AAMA OR ASTM.

Would be helpful if Adobe would consider keeping up with industry standards in this realm as Adobe products are commonly used as a universal tool in most design settings.

Waiting to hear back from Gerber as to how best to resolve issues. I will document and post a click by click once a solution is reached, if it includes use of Adobe. 

I have had some limited success in plotting patterns but as I receive files from different vendors the target seems to move, and I’m sent back to go. hahaha, what a humbling experience. 

I will dive on the links you have provided.


Thanks for your time and consideration.






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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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sorry I have no idea what's the dxf versions Illustrator uses.


tough luck getting Adobe and Autodesk to work seamlessly, but you can try posting feature request on the uservoice site where stuff gets done if it has enough traction.






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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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No worries carlos, thanks for the links. Looks like there is no solve from Gerber other then them posting a link to thier usere manual. I will continue to track my click by click and hope something sticks. 


Thanks for your time and consideration. 







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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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there's a third party plugin that claims to handle import/export better than natively, you might want to give it a try to see if helps you





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