Window and panels moving when Mac goes to sleep
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I'm on a Mac Mini M1 with 16GB and Big Sur 11.2.3, and am up to date on my Creative Cloud updates. About 25-30% of the time, when the computer goes to sleep, Illustrator will drop down about 1/5 of the way down the screen, as if I clicked the title bar and dragged it down the screen. When this happens, some of my panels will move around as well and I have to reset my workspace. Also, the grey space around the artboard shimmers when I move my cursor and the little popup window urging me to click and learn more about new features will have the font size reduced about 60%. All this happens with both Illustrator and Photoshop (the only Adobe apps I use regularly.) I usually end up quitting and restarting the program, and resetting my workspace. Oddly, all this doesn't happen EVERY time the computer sleeps, but it does happen fairly often, and is very annoying.
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Hello everyone,
I'm pleased to share that the product team has resolved this issue in version 28.1. I've personally tested it and couldn't replicate the problem. Would you all mind installing this version from the CCDA and informing us if it resolves the issue on your end?
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Best regards,
Anshul Saini
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Hi just adding my name to the list of people who are experiencing this issue.
I have a Mac Mini M1 2020 16 GB, running Montery 12.4 and this problem only seem to affect Adobe applications. I can't say its all Adobe apps but as I'm a very heavy user of Illustrator, this is the app that is affected the most.
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You can add me to the list. Hitting the Window>Workspace>Reset [WORKSPACE SAME] does put all my palletes back where they belong but it is maddening to have to do that every. single. time.
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Does anyone know if theses issues are specific to using a non-apple monitor?
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they are not. ive been using an Apple Studio monitor and Studio since day of release, and i have never been able to eliminate the issue.
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Just chucking my oar in. I too get this issue, in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. All the latest versions, running on the latest Mac OS (Ventura 13.2.1), running on a brand new 16" MBP M2 Max with external monitors.
Not sure what beef Adobe has with Apple (Or vice versa), but really? Sort it out. There's multi million pound/dollar businesses and agencies running your software, and trying to maintain some sort of professionalism in doing so. Would be really nice if you guys could do the same.
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It appears that this problem still not been fixed. I was wrong when I reported it was before. What's weird is that I can force the displays to sleep and reboot Photoshop and the position of the panes is remembered, but when it goes to sleep on it's own after a timeout, all the panes are piled back up in the main monitor.
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No issues since the latest updates for me as well. I'm currently running dual displays with no problems.
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same configuration, but problem still present
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Waldemaker - Yes, I spoke too soon. When I launch InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop everything is now good -- the problem persists after the computer goes to sleep. Some progress, but still not fixed.
Apple Studio 2022
BenQ PD Series monitor
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I am still having this issue. I didn't have it on my imac with an external display but I am on my mac mini m2.
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I'm running:
photoshop v 24.3.0
mac os 13.3.1
Mac Mini M2 Pro
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Not fixed. Problem persists.
Photoshop v24.3.0
macOS Ventura 13.3.1
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Yep. I concur. Photoshop menus upon wake from sleep are still very much broken.
On the plus side, InDesign seems to have been sorted, but maybe InDesign and Photoshop have a similarly loveless relationship as Adobe and Apple.
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Yep. Spoke too soon. InDesign is still playing up. Ah well, at least I'm not spending a small fortune on these applications... oh, wait... :o(
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Mine has been working fine since MacOS 13.2.1. Not once has PS or LR moved after sleep. It's also noteworthy that my monitor now comes back reliably from sleep. Previously, it was erratic, often requiring power on/off for the monitor or disconnect the cable.
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i am running 27.4 and has just done it after waking the machine up from sleep (ventura 13.3.1 mini m2pro) ... not impressed
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Forgot to add to above ... this is with apple studio display
as well as this issue i am also experiencing ocassional episodes of screen flashing blacking repeatedly and switching between colour profiles, after about ten seconds it usually stops but, you guessed it, everything shifted out of position
only happens with illustrator
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seems like tool settings are affected as well - my type on a path tool loses its handles and you need to go and show edges to restore them - how many other issues with this display bug ???
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As previously noted, this seems to be an Apple/Adobe issue. I'm sure I don't know enough about that gordian knot of intercompany politics to even begin to untangle it, but I wonder is they really know how annoying it is for a user who enconters this problem. every. single. day.
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Hello, I have the same problem in all of the Adobe apps (2020 MacBook Pro w 2 external monitors). The way I've gotten around it is to 1) Don't let the computer go to sleep with AI, ID or PS open or 2) Save your workspace(s), and then when it does happen, you just hit "Window > Workspace > Reset workspace" and your saved space will reset.
This was driving me nuts until they added the "reset workspace" feature. I HATED having to rebuild all the workspace in all of the programs manually every day. Now, it's no big deal, if I forget and it does, go to sleep and mess everything up, it's an easy reset.
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Hi, I also am doing so. It's a feature that exists since many years. But still would be fine to not do it. Or at least connect this function to a shortkey.
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Waldenmarker; You got me thinking: while I don't see a hotkey option, I made an Action that at least shortcuts hunting through the menus. Better but still not great, as you suggested.
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how made you the shortcut?
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Waldemaker; By opening the Actions pane under the Window menu. Then record clicking on Window > Workspace > Reset Workspaces and save that as a new Action. After that if you leave the Actions pane open you can just click on that Action and save hunting through the menus. HTH
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BlackChrome; You have a longer fuse than I do. Funny how little patience I have with something that once worked and gets broken with the "upgrades." Durring the course of the workday as I go from InDesign to Illustrator to Photoshop to make a change I find myself getting very irritated every time I am faced with a mess of panes and have to go Window > Workspace > Reset Workspace. If this had always be the case I probably wouldn't even notice it.