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For the first time, I want to print a number of different photos from my LRC library onto one page.
So I went to the Print module, and struggled for a while.
I chose the Custom Package option since the description seemed right.
I then found that in the Print module we ONLY have access to Collections.
I dragged a photo onto the page, and resized and moved it to where I wanted it.
Then I clicked on another collection, and the photo currently on the page vanished.
I went around in circles for a few minutes, then let Google do the searching.
And it appears that the Print module ONLY works with photos that are in the filmstrip.
I literally facepalmed.
So I wanted to check, before I make a futile complaint to Adobe.
Is that true? We can't just drag photos into the Custom Package, arrange them, and then they stay there if we move to another collection?
Based on the fact that we can't directly ACCESS the rest of our Library from the Print module I suspect that's right.
Am I missing something important about how to save your pages of images, so you can print them later, or keep them and edit in the future?
Because if this is it.... If we have to recreate pages of photos EVERY SINGLE TIME...
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Study the Saved Print feature. It creates a special type of Collection that remembers a print layout, the settings in the right panel stack, the settings in the Page Setup and Print Settings dialog boxes, and, optionally, the photos used in it. The photos will still change if you change the source (folder or collection), but if you re-select the name of your Saved Print, it will be restored, though you might have to to a Select All to refill the layout with the images saved with that print.
Once you learn that, you will also know how to use other similar features like the Saved Slideshow, because that works the same way: A Saved Slideshow is a special type of Collection that remembers a slide show, its sequence, its settings, and the photos in it.
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Yep, Print module only shows Collections in left-hand panels.
Start the Print module with selected photos from 'All Photographs', a folder with all needed images, or a created Collection of images.
Unfortunately the Quick Collection does not appear in Print module either.
However, after creating a 'Saved Print Collection' as suggested by Conrad (Uncheck: Include only selectede photos.) you can then view this special 'Saved Print Collection' in the Library Grid mode [G] and subsequently add any additional photos to this 'Saved Print Collection'. These additional photos appear at the end of the filmstrip when you 're-open' the 'Saved Print Collection' allowing you to change the photos on the page.
Even just saving a Print Template is useful to use in the future with any photos.