Best Graphics Card for 2020
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I'm ready to upgrade my graphics card. Any thoughts as to what's the best one for the $$. I'm not sure it makes sense to purchase a 2080 ti... wouldn't that be overkill for LR Classic?
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Overkill is definitely something to watch out for at this time, since a powerful GPU makes a difference essentially in the Develop module only, and not even all of it. One source of GPU information is Puget Systems, who have run a number of tests in Lightroom Classic using a range of PC hardware. Go to the link below and read the section Video Card (GPU).
Recommended Systems for Adobe Lightroom Classic (Puget Systems)
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Thanks VERY MUCH for this info. I use LR & PS so more power/speed (overkill) is beneficial there.
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There's little point in an expensive gaming card (GeForce or Radeon). Beyond the midrange there's little if any return on investment.
The main problem with all these cards is buggy drivers, not lack of nominal performance. The drivers are released to keep the gamers happy and let them run the latest games. So they cut corners, and fix the bugs later.
NVidia Quadros and AMD Radeon Pros are not made for gaming, but for graphics, 3D and CAD. They are more expensive for similar specs, but generally a lot more reliable.
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So you are ready to upgrade your graphics card — to solve what problem?