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Cloud storage quota

Community Beginner ,
Aug 25, 2018 Aug 25, 2018

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I use Lightroom CC classic and just got into using collections.

Maybe I don't understand things, but I know for a fact the the files that are synced to the cloud far exceed the storage quota of 20gb...20gb doesn't even cover half a shoot, yet Adobe cloud says I'm not even using 1% of my quota.

So my question... What exactly counts towards the storage quota? How is it possible to sync 90gb+ of photos and still not touch my 20gb storage quota? Or should I just keep quiet and consider myself lucky  






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Aug 28, 2018 Aug 28, 2018

OK....I've had a Facebook messenger chat on the go with Adobe for the past few days and I've FINALLY got the answer...

(and I quote)

"...Hi Dave, Lightroom Classic CC do not use the 20 GB of storage space for smart previews. So, you may sync all your smart previews from collections to the cloud and still not consume the storage space. Note that this should not be treated as a backup for your images, a preview only accounts for a very small percentage of the actual file size. Thanks, ^AK..."



Community Beginner ,
Aug 25, 2018 Aug 25, 2018

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Nope ignore me - I've just built a bunch of smart previews against a 14.5 Gb folder and the smart previews only take up 252mb. Sweet!!!!





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Community Expert ,
Aug 27, 2018 Aug 27, 2018

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I understand what you are saying, I have both LR CC 1.5 and LR Classic CC and I have many collections from Classic synced to the Creative Cloud containing over three thousand image files. I can access them from LR CC 1.5 on my desktop and  also on 4 mobile devices. I have not synced my entire Classic Catalog to LR CC 0n my desktop.

I have very few original image files on LR CC 1.5 and the mobile devices which takes up approximately 1 GB of my storage available.

If LR CC uploaded the 3000 original photos that I had synced it would have been over 40GB which is just not being rejected in my storage usage. My Creative Cloud is showing less than 1 GB of storage used.

Regards, Denis: iMac 27” mid-2015, macOS 11.7.10 Big Sur; 2TB SSD, 24 GB Ram, GPU 2 GB; LrC 12.5,; Lr 6.5, PS 24.7,; ACR 15.5,; (also Laptop Win 11, ver 23H2, LrC 14.0.1, ; ) Camera Oly OM-D E-M1.





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