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Hello everyone,
big trouble: when I import pictures they look good at first, the whitebalance is fine. as soon as i go to my edit panel in Lightroom CC the colors of my (not yet edited) picture switch dramatically, its mostly the white balance that goes wild. Any ideas what is happening? I'd love to start my edit on the picture here on the left, instead of having to make corrections first. Especially with many pictures in the queue.
(You might hate the whitebalance on the left compared to the right hand side, I understand, but thats only for the visualisation. On any screen, and also in-cam, it shows me the left side colors.)
Appreciate any answers!
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Check the setings of your camera if you use any picture styles. Lightroom doesn't regonize such styles.
I think the left windows shows the embedded jpeg which contains in the RAW. Thats use Lightroom for the first view. If you change to the develop module LR generate a 1:1 preview from the original raw file.
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thanks for your answer! I did not use any picture styles and both sides of the screen are from the raw image
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First of all, you want to calibrate your display to ensure your colors are accurate.
Second, Library and Develop use different color spaces, and Develop is showing you the rendered RAW file rather than the preview which is initially used. There may be a camera picture style or settings (those are only used with the JPEG preview), and Lightroom can use its own presets that are applied automatically to the RAW file.
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thanks a lot. My screens are all properly calibrated. Also calibration would explain colormismatch between two different screens, but not within the same screen (as shown in my screenshot above), right? I did not use any presets in the camera.
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Please post your system info like I requested above.
This could well be an issue with the GPU or the monitor profile.
What calibrator do you use?
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this is my calibration tool for most screens. except for my EVE spectrum which is factory calibrated
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Several requests:
1. Can you retake that screenshot, but with the History Panel expanded and visible. From the Basic Panel it appears at least two edits have occurred, the Profile, and the WB.
2. Can you share a screenshot of your LrC Import Screen. Curious about any presets called for during import.
3. Can you share a screenshot of LrC /Preferences/Presets. Curious about RAW Defaults
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3. I didnt understand what presets to look for, can you elaborate?
thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it!
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regarding 1): no edits were made, whitebalance is "like original"
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Your GPU driver is out of date.
The latest version is 560.81, you have 551.61.
Make sure to install the Studio driver, not the Game ready driver. Studio drivers are more thoroughly tested than Game ready drivers, and have fewer bugs.
Do a clean install, and do not install Geforce Experience.
Also, your GPU was released in 2016, and may be getting a bit old for the latest versions of LrC.
Let us know if updating the driver makes any difference.
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I am getting same problem. The white balance has a drastic difference in both side. I updated the GPU driver but the problem remains same.
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Please go to Help > System info, click the Copy button, and paste in a new reply here.
You can delete everything below Installed Plugins, it is not required, and takes up a lot of space on the page.
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The before/after view uses Develop previews, so I don't think this has anything to do with Picture styles or other camera settings.
It can be caused by a buggy GPU driver, a defective or incompatible monitor profile, or even a combination of the two.
To begin with, please go to Help > System info, click the Copy button, and paste in a new reply here.
You can delete everything below Installed Plugins, it is not required, and takes up a lot of space on the page.
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Is this Classic or Desktop? I'm not even sure which app the OP has.
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This is Lightroom Classic.
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Yes, fully updated LR classic on win10
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Lightroom Classic-Version: 13.4 [ 202406181129-60d181b7 ]
Lizenz: Creative Cloud
Spracheinstellung: de
Betriebssystem: Windows 10
Version: 10.0.19045
Anwendungsarchitektur: x64
Systemarchitektur: x64
Anzahl logischer Prozessoren: 16
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 3,7GHz
SQLite-Version: 3.36.0
CPU-Auslastung: 3,0%
Stromquelle: Angeschlossen, 255%
Integrierter Speicher: 32715,0 MB
Dedizierter GPU-Speicher, der von Lightroom verwendet wird: 4379,6MB / 8067,0MB (54%)
Für Lightroom verfügbarer phys. Speicher: 32715,0 MB
Von Lightroom verwendeter phys. Speicher: 5451,2 MB (16,6%)
Von Lightroom verwendeter virtueller Speicher: 10127,9 MB
Anzahl GDI-Objekte: 917
Anzahl BENUTZER-Objekte: 2380
Anzahl Prozess-Handles: 3319
Cache-Speichergröße: 0,0MB
Interne Camera Raw-Version: 16.4 [ 1897 ]
Maximale Anzahl Threads, die Camera Raw verwendet: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-Optimierung: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueller Speicher in Camera Raw: 1668MB / 16357MB (10%)
Physischer Speicher in Camera Raw: 1753MB / 32715MB (5%)
Final1- RAM:254,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01221.ARW
Preview2- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01273.ARW
Final3- RAM:254,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01213.ARW
Preview4- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01191.ARW
Preview5- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01182.ARW
Final6- RAM:254,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01227.ARW
Preview7- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01170.ARW
Preview8- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01280.ARW
Preview9- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01204.ARW
Preview10- RAM:22,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, DOE01263.ARW
NT- RAM:916,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, Combined:916,0MB
m:0,0MB, n:917,7MB
U-main: 102,0MB
DPI-Einstellung des Systems: 144 DPI (High-DPI-Modus)
Desktop-Komposition aktiviert: Ja
Standardvorschaugröße: 2048 Pixel
Monitore/Anzeigegeräte: 1) 3840x2160, 2) 3840x2160, 3) 3840x2160
Eingabetypen: Multitouch: Nein, integrierte Toucheingabe: Nein, integrierter Stift: Ja, externe Toucheingabe: Nein, externer Stift: Nein, Tastatur: Nein
Informationen zum Grafikprozessor:
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (
Anfangsstatus: GPU zum Exportieren wird standardmäßig unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: Automatisch
Anwendungsordner: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliothekspfad: C:\Users\Raphael\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog-2-v13-4.lrcat
Einstellungen-Ordner: C:\Users\Raphael\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
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