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I am using Lightroom 5 and I usually export all my RAW images to JPEG after finishing development.
All metadata which I added to the picture (e. g. rating, keywords) are exported, but the color label "red", "green",... etc. are missing in the resulting JPEG metadata.
In the export configuration of LR, it is conigured to export all metadata.
Does somebody know why the color labels are not exported to jpeg metada?
Thanks in advance.
All the best,
It appears each application used to view the XMP Labels has to be assigned the same names: Consolidating XMP Color Labels -
Below shows Red changed to Rot. You'll need to change the names for all of the label colors so they are the same in each application you use.
Adobe Bridge
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anka1976 wrote:
In the export configuration of LR, it is conigured to export all metadata.
Does somebody know why the color labels are not exported to jpeg metada?
This can be caused by a corrupted LR Preferences file. Try resetting the Preferences file:
You can also simply rename the current file Lightroom Preferences.agprefs.OLD, which allows restoring it if the problem persists. Make sure LR is closed before renaming.
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Hi trshaner,
thanks for the hint. But unfortunately the behavior is still the same and the color label is not exported.
Do you have any other ideas?
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All metadata which I added to the picture (e. g. rating, keywords) are exported, but the color label "red", "green",... etc. are missing in the resulting JPEG metadata.
Which tool are you using to test whether the label is included in the metadata?
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Hi John,
I checked the metadata in Windows 10 Explorer, IrfanView and Exif Viewer. At least they show other EXIF and IPTC metadata in JPEG.
Which tool do you use to view the metadata? In which metadata category the color labels are visible in your environment?
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Do you see the Ratings and Color Labels inside LR as below?
Here's what I see in Windows 7 Explorer:
In Adobe Bridge:
In XnViewMP:
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Hi trshaner,
inside LR the color labels are available - in german version they are called "Beschriftung", but as also shown in your picture the pictures have a colored background (here red).
Inside XnViewMP I see the following:
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I checked the metadata in Windows 10 Explorer, IrfanView and Exif Viewer.
LR stores the color label in the Label field of the XMP metadata section. Windows 10 File Explorer and IrfanView don't display XMP metadata (there may be an IrfanView plugin for displaying XMP metadata, but I'm not sure). I don't know anything about Exif Viewer, but I'd guess it's not displaying XMP metadata either.
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Hi John,
it seems that explorer and IrfanView can not display it. The XnViewMP seem to display the colour labels, but not the LR colour label...
Any further ideas?
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I just downloaded the Mac version of XnViewMP, and it shows the color labels written by LR:
Trshaner also observed the same thing in a previous post.
Are you doing Metadata > Save Metadata To File to ensure metadata is written from the catalog back to the file?
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Hi John,
yes I save the metadata to the file.
I assume that in your case the "XMP" section in XnViewMP matches to definitions in "File" section. Am I ritght? See below, in my case the definitions are differently exported from LR
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Please upload one of the files with this issue to Dropbox or other file sharing site so we can take a look at it on our systems. Thank you!
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Hello trshaner,
I shared it in the GMXCloud - you can download it with right click on the photo and select "Herunterladen":
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Downloading and opening your image in both LR 5 and CC 2015 I see this.
Label is listed as ROT which from what I can tell is German for RED but you see the color label badge on the image is white and the boarder is no color.
If I actually assign the color red to it then the label in the Metadata section says RED, the badge it RED and the boarder is RED.
Could be a German language thing that LR isn't interpreting correctly.
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I can confirm what you are seeing in the LR Export JPEG file. Please upload the original file used to create the Export JPEG. If it's a camera raw file please Export it to DNG file format, which will contain all of your LR edits, etc. If a JPEG or TIFF file please use CTRL + S keys to save the Library metadata to the file before uploading.
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Hi trshaner,
thanks again for your quick reply. I uploaded the DNG file to the same link as my originals are Nikon NEF+XMP files:
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The downloaded DNG shows a 4-Star Rating, but no color label on my Windows 7 English language LR system. Check that your Color Label Set is using Lightroom Default setting as below and try Exporting again to see if the Color Label now shows.
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Hi trshaner,
for me the German "Lightroom Default" which is "Lightroom-Standard" is already set.
Inside there the color names are also German "Rot" for "Red" etc.
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It appears each application used to view the XMP Labels has to be assigned the same names: Consolidating XMP Color Labels -
Below shows Red changed to Rot. You'll need to change the names for all of the label colors so they are the same in each application you use.
Adobe Bridge
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Hi trshaner,
it seems you are right.
So the root of all evil is that the German version of Lightroom sets the label names as German words and that is incompatible to all other applications.
Thanks for your help.
Anyway Adobe shall overthink their language concept as this current concepts leads to a lot of trouble.