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After a day of shooting I have realized that time in my camera was incorrect (few minutes mismatch with my gps tracker). Is there any way to add certain time to all selected photos capture time (6 minutes)? I can do it one by one but it's just a torment .
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In the Edit Capture Time dialog, after selecting all the images in the Grid view, select the minutes section of the date time in the Corrected Time area and Type in a minute 6 minutes ahead. Click the Change All Button.
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I am sure that this solution is working, but unfortunately it's is not working in my Lightroom. And I don't know why . In this situation I just have to remember to set the time in my camera more often
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Also make sure you have the top option selected, "Adjust to a specified date and time".
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Then you aren't selecting all the images in the Grid view. Make sure the grid is shown before you do the Select All.
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Yep. Followed the link that you've provided, have a grid mode, everything selected and there is still no "change all" button .
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Shut down LR. Restart your computer. Open LR and try again.
What happens if you only select a few of the images?
I'm running the most current version of LR. What EXACT version of LR are you using, Help About Adobe PS Lightroom, and post the exact version.
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Finally . Started to work after PC restart. Lightroom is in 6.10 version. Thank you guys!
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You use the same "Edit Capture Time" command, but instead of doing it one image at a time you select ALL the images (in Grid view) that you want to adjust by the same amount....then do Metadata>Edit Capture Time and you'll see that the dialog changes (it basically tells you that all the selected images will be adjusted by the same amount as you specify for the "most selected" image). So in your case, set the corrected time for the most selected image (shown in the dialog) and all the other selected images will be adjusted by that same corrected amount.
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I fought it's should be like this but it seems that when I am in library -> grid view Lightroom gets what is selected not from the grid above but from the selection below. And even here if I have selected more than one photo the dialog is not changing and still LR is adding time change to only one photo. Weird. I am using most recent version of LR (not the CC).
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Did you follow the link I provided?
In the Edit Capture Time dialog, after selecting all the images in the Grid view, select the minutes section of the date time in the Corrected Time area and Type in a minute 6 minutes ahead. Click the Change All Button.
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There's no way to adjust minutes specifically - only hours. I'm currently culling a wedding and my second shooters images are off by 2 hours and 9 minutes. I adjusted it by 2 hours, but 9 minutes still makes a BIG difference when culling.
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@ClicksByCourtney wrote:
There's no way to adjust minutes specifically - only hours. I'm currently culling a wedding and my second shooters images are off by 2 hours and 9 minutes. I adjusted it by 2 hours, but 9 minutes still makes a BIG difference when culling.
You are wrong. There is such an option. See the screenshots in the answers, and actually read the answers. Why post this as a new message in a five years old thread if you do not even bother to read that thread?
What you need to do is select all images, and then set the correct time for the active image. Lightroom will not set the same time for all the other images, as you probably think, but change all the other images by the same amount of time. Exactly what you want.
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There is such an option, as @JohanElzenga states.
Change BOTH the 'Hour' and 'Minute' fields to reflect the 2 Hours AND 9 Minutes difference-
M Example: 10:03:06 > 12:12:06 (Plus 2hrs9mins)
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This saved me a ton of time thank you! Wish the wording was a little different in the app to make it clear, but your messages clarified this.