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Hi there,
I have issues with exportation with Lightroom, here my issue:
My partner has a MacBook Pro, she use Lightroom's, edit the photo + preset and she export everything on her desktop with these stats:
- JPEG , Quality: 100
- Resize to fit: Long Edge, 1 080 Pixels and Resolution: 72 pixels per in
- Sharpen for: Screen and Amount: Standard
Photos export and bang, everything is perfect. Photos are around 2.8-3.2 mb and perfect shape and look.
Now on my side with my iMac 5k retina, same thing, I import, edit, preset and now with the same settings to export.
My photos are 578kb, looks awful and I have no clue what to do.
Any help could be nice.
ksbelisle wrote
Now on my side with my iMac 5k retina, same thing, I import, edit, preset and now with the same settings to export.
My photos are 578kb, looks awful and I have no clue what to do.
A 1080 pixel long edge image file viewed at 1:1 (100%) view will only fill about 1/5 of your Retina 5K screen width (5180 x 2880). If you're viewing it at a Zoom size larger than that it will look pixelated and "awful."
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Please post a screen shot of your Export dialog box. It seems as though there is a setting that is not quite right.
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Show us a screen capture of one that "looks awful". What software are you using outside of Lightroom where it looks awful?
What zoom level are you using when it "looks awful"? if you are blowing up the 1080 pixel on the long side export to fill up a 5K screen, I would expect it would look awful.
Are you using smart previews and exporting without the original being available?
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This is a ''Test'' photo exported with all my settings.
Size: 598kb .
Suppose to be 2.8mb
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ksbelisle wrote
This is a ''Test'' photo exported with all my settings.
Size: 598kb .Suppose to be 2.8mb
The image file looks perfectly fine on my display at 1:1 Zoom View (100%) inside LR. JPEG file size is dependent on numerous factors such as image detail, noise, and sharpening amount.
Jeffrey Friedl's Blog » An Analysis of Lightroom JPEG Export Quality Settings
If you want to display the image file so it fills your (and other's) 5K Retina screen you need to increase the Long Edge setting to 5120 pixels.
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ksbelisle wrote
This is a ''Test'' photo exported with all my settings.
Size: 598kb .Suppose to be 2.8mb
There's no such thing as it is supposed to be 2.8mb. That's not how any of this works.
Next, what is wrong with this photo? Can you explain, or show us the same photo before you exported, as seen in Lightroom?
Can you answer the rest of my questions, which I asked in reply #3 of this thread?
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Yes this is the Raw picture before anything.
Size: 79 mb
And I know there no such thing as it's suppose to be 2.8 or 5mb or 100kb. But 100kb picture is not normal for that type of photo. Something is wrong when I export.
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598kb is perfectly reasonable for this photo. JPG is compression technology, it compresses your image based upon some rules. In this case, where you don't have a lot of color variation in the image, there can be lots of compression with extremely minor loss of quality.
So, I conclude there is nothing wrong with this export, and it looks awful because, as both myself and Todd Shaner​ have explained, when you blow it up to 5K, that's causing the appearance of pixelization. And I don't care if you believe me or not, but Todd Shaner​ knows what he is talking about, you really ought to believe him.
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Perfect, then thank you. I was starting to stress.
Thanks for everything.
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ksbelisle wrote
And I know there no such thing as it's suppose to be 2.8 or 5mb or 100kb. But 100kb picture is not normal for that type of photo. Something is wrong when I export.
The photo you posted is actually 598 KB not 100 KB. I suggest reviewing the link I posted on JPEG Export Quality Settings. Using a 100 LR Export Quality setting is only required if you intend to edit the JPEG export file and then resave it. If you intend to do that you should export to TIFF file format, which won't lose image quality after multiple resave operations. For most usages (Web, Email, Prints) a JPEG Export Quality setting of 80 will produce an image file visually identical to a 100 Quality JPEG export, but with a much smaller file size. Nothing to stress about–Enjoy!
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ksbelisle wrote
Now on my side with my iMac 5k retina, same thing, I import, edit, preset and now with the same settings to export.
My photos are 578kb, looks awful and I have no clue what to do.
A 1080 pixel long edge image file viewed at 1:1 (100%) view will only fill about 1/5 of your Retina 5K screen width (5180 x 2880). If you're viewing it at a Zoom size larger than that it will look pixelated and "awful."
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Perfect, How can I make sure that the size and quality are the best?
What do I change in the Long Edge, my 1080 pixels? But will it be the same view on a not retina screen?
-_- Beginner having issues here.
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The size in pixels that you choose to export is basically all about the use of the exported image.
1080 - that sounds like Instagram
900 to 1200 - a good size of websites and email
not resized - good for printing
When exporting full-size images, I use a JPG quality setting of 90%, which is good compression at a great visual quality (100% does not buy you anything).
When exporting web-sized images I use a quality setting of 80%.
(There is only 12 different quality levels even though the scale does 1-100.)
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When you import jpegs and then export jpegs, you are seeing the result of the image being compressed twice. That is the reason for the loss of quality.
For this process, your partner should export tiffs for you to import.