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left/right buttons moving adjust sliders instead of next/previous photo

New Here ,
May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

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I like to use my left/right arrows for next/previous photo and only for that purpose. With the lastest update, I've noticed that if my mouse happens to be hovering over an adjustment slider though, it moves the slider instead of advancing to next photo.  So I have to move the mouse out of the adjustment pannel to get the arrow button to advance the next photo.  Any ideas on how to fix that?








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

What the left/right arrow keys do depends on what has focus in the UI. You do have control over that, I’ll cover that in a moment.


If a text field has focus, left/right arrow navigates the text field, as it does in any other app.

If a control such as a slider has focus (you should see a slight highlight around the control), left/right arrows adjust that control, which many people consider to be a useful shortcut.

If no control has focus, left/right arrow moves among images.


If something has




Community Expert ,
May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

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What the left/right arrow keys do depends on what has focus in the UI. You do have control over that, I’ll cover that in a moment.


If a text field has focus, left/right arrow navigates the text field, as it does in any other app.

If a control such as a slider has focus (you should see a slight highlight around the control), left/right arrows adjust that control, which many people consider to be a useful shortcut.

If no control has focus, left/right arrow moves among images.


If something has focus, but you want the arrow keys to navigate images, you should be able to get out of it with the keyboard. (I use a Mac so the following is written from that point of view, I believe it will work the same way in Windows.) If a control has focus and I press the Esc key, the app escapes the current focus, and now the arrow keys move among images.


On the Mac, if a text field or a control has focus, I can override that and make the arrow keys move among images by also holding down the Command key. So for example, I can force it to go to the next image by pressing Command-right arrow. There is no Command key in Windows, but try adding the Ctrl key to the left/right arrow key and see if that forces it to the previous/next image regardless of what has focus. This saves a step because you don’t have to escape focus first, you just hit two keys and it goes to another image.





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New Here ,
May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

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YES! That did it! And just so I'm not having to hit 2 keys, I made myself a macro to consolidate that into one key. Problem solved, thank you so much!





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