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my new Lightroom Classic does not work classic while exporting edited Raw Files to e.g. Jepegs in a subfolder:
In the export process (of course with the option "Add to this catalog" checked) the exported files get not reimported to the related folder until the "work bar" has already disappeared long ago. So very, very slowly and sometimes not completely.
If I redo the export process (with the identical settings) and the confirmed request to overwrite existing data, LR creates duplicates in the export folder. This is obviously a database error, because in the folder each exported pIcture exist physically only once (as it should) ...
Have I described this complicated enough? :-))
I have tried it with my existing (for LR Classic updated) catalog, as well as with a freshly produced new catalog.
I´ve deleted the LR Preferences Folder and deactiveated all Plug Ins... Still the same mistake.
I have this issue with lightroom classic on my Windows 10 machine.
And I just reproduced this bug with a fresh LR installation on my brandnew macbook pro with the latest OS updates.
Thanks for any Help, Kai
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I've tested this in LR2015 and now in Classic.
2015 has the correct behaviour and classic matches what you've seen. IHMO this is a bug, and I'll create a report for it.
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I've had the exact same thing happen, with one image shown three times even. While I'm exporting jpegs to the same folder, I got strange duplicates sometimes. One thing that seemed to stop this behavior is to export but uncheck the "Add to stack" setting. Also, when exporting with that checked, the stacked number of images remains at 2, and does not increase to 3, for an original TIF (from a scanner, filename.tif) image, the edited TIF (filename-edit.tif), and exported JPG (filename-edit.jpg).
One of my subfolders got so confused with only 30 images showing multiple duplicates and an incorrect count of images in the folder that then I deleted them all just from the database, and reimported them in place. This then returned the correct count of images, without any stacking.
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Hi Sean,
many thanks for your response. Glad to hear, that the error is not on my system.
But how is it going on now? Can you tell how long it will take to get an update?
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Honestly, no idea.
Can you check in your folder (command R or Control R on PC) to see if the files are duplicated or is it just in the catalog?
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duplicates just in Lightroom.
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here i´ve recorded a little screencast to demonstrage my problem:
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That matches my experience and was included in my bug report.
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Similar issue exporting image files (all types) to Microsoft OneDrive from LR Classic. I have been attempting to export my picture files from Lightroom into Microsoft OneDrive to provide an additional back-up. This is a process that is generally slow and can be quite temperamental as others may have found. However since I upgraded to LR Classic it appears that a copy of every file exported is placed in the Pictures folder on my Mac. These files are not placed into any hierachy (all of my originals exist in my Dropbox folder organised into sub-folders by capture date). I can only assume that LR creates a copy as part of the export process but then fails to delete that copy.
It took me a little while to work out where close to 100Gb of disck space had gone and a while longer to locate and delete the duplicates.
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Same issue here, lightroom prompts to overwrite existing file and does on disk - but the catalog shows two images. If you try to 'Reveal' the duplicate image in finder, lightroom marks it as missing.
Also, anyone else having issues moving files in Classic? For example I moved some images into a subfolder and they just don't show up even though they have moved on disk. Even a sync doesn't bring them in.
Restarting Lightroom made them show up.
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Put me down as a "Me Too."
I just did the Oct. 28, 2017, update to LR Classic hoping it would have fixed the bug, but I am still getting duplicates in the catalog when re-exporting images and using Overwrite.
Also, possibly for a different topic, I am not able to use LR's built-in merge to HDR function. It creates the preview, but upon choosing Merge it shows no progress in the Creating HDR bar at top left.
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There is a work-around for this until adobe fixes it:
1. Firstly If you have made develop module changes to the files, make sure your metadata is saved.
2. Remove the offending images from your lightroom catalog (remove, not delete) and synchronise the folder to bring them back in.
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In July 2022 I continue to have the same problem. On export the latest version of Lightroom Classic saves a duplicate .jpg file in a separate folder it has created. Of course I can delete the unwanted folder and the images in it, but it is irritating, and one has to make sure that one is deleting the correct folder and not the images from Lightroom!