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Why is LrC not importing all the checked images?
I was importing multiple images from multiple folders. But I only wanted to import the best images so I didn't clog up my catalog. I went through these multiple folders and only checked the specific images I wanted. Once that was complete I imported them to a collection. I went to the collection. Only the checked images from the first folder were imported after going through ~10 and making selections from each. I looked in "all images" just in case the first images went to the collection and the rest ended up in the catalog but not in the collection. Not the case. I tried again and made sure that the other folder selections were still selected before clicking import. Same results.
I figured out a workaround (doing it the slow and tedious way one folder at a time) but I'd like to know why the quick way isn't working for me for next time...
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Can't tell why it's not working as you expected. There will be some explanation, possibly in a detail that you've not mentioned or even noticed.
Just import all those folders, save yourself time, and don't worry about clogging up the catalogue - Lightroom can cope with large numbers. Add ratings to the best photos, and ask if you really want to keep anything that isn't worth recording in the catalogue. In other words, don't use the Import dialog for your selection process.
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If the files are already in the computer, then I'd agree there is no great practical gain from culling during the import: as compared with culling after import, and Removing any definitely not needed.
It may be different when doing a Copy import from camera card - in that case eliminating definite rejects within the import dialog should avoid bringing them into the computer at all. I have noticed some subtle behaviour differences between reviewing all the photos from an overall source (such as, the card reader's drive) vs reviewing the photos folder by folder within a source. I tend to use the former method, and then my import preset achieves the suitable destination folders date based: IOW the various source folders being simply disregarded.
OP's issue is IMO most likely: being clicked onto one particular subfolder at time of import. So that will become the sole source used. If you instead click on a parent folder and check "include subfolders", a larger import set is presented sweeping up all the photos within that including within its subfolders. This set can then be reviewed as a whole, and any unwanted images rejected from that.
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Thank you both for your replies. Not sure if this changes anything but the files are on my external archive drive. I never brought them into LrC because they were for a subcontracting job so I do not have copyrights and typically do not bring any shots like that into my catalog. In this case though I needed to put a quick portfolio together of that work for a prospective client. I have 1:1 previews set up because it is easiest for how I work but those do add up after a while (just cleaned out my internal drive two days ago). I ended up using 15 images of ~300 imported for this endeavor. I do not think I selected that "include subfolders" option, though I am aware of its existence and use it pretty often. Typically I just import everything, rather than culling because I'm importing files I have the rights to and want to have in my catalog. I'll make sure that option is selected next time as that makes sense why the selections would only be importing from one of the many folders I selected from.