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Hi community, does anybody have the same issue:
Since a few weeks LR states that it will terminate immediately since it has no valid account information and/or requres a new login. That behavior started with LR 8.4.x and ist still present in the most recent version.
Then, I have to login again, exit LR (if not yet automatically done) and start it again.
Oh, and a pretty bug: If LR shows the login screen, then it becomes a "topmost" window (Windows version), so you cannot move another window over the LR window. You have to exit LR and start it again.
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Are yo by chance signing out of the CC DTA? If you are that is what is causing it to happen. Don't Sign out.
If not then it is a problem with your computer somehow removing, changing, corrupting the license file which will sign you out of all Adobe apps.
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Never explictly. I just quit Lightroom. And the CC background app is always active, so it will be shut down together with Windows. It happens since a few weeks now, that I'm pretty often asked to login again. There were some Windows Updates in the meantime , but no "functional update" such as Windows 10 version 1903.
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Actually windows 10 is now up to 1909.
Just did that update yesterday.
But I don;t think that has anything to do with your signing out problem.
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No, I do not think so either.
The "1909" update is still pending on my machine, but a.f.a.i.k., it is just a small "enabler" for a fully patched Windows 1903...
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I am running the newest LRC 9.3 and now everytime I open LRC I'm required to enter my Username, wait for a text confirmation number then my password otherwise LRC will shut down - even if I'm logged into Adobe site. PS does not require a log in. LRC is already the worste program in the world for opening and getting to a usable state (before this latest update) but now I have to go through a 4 part opening process on top of STILL being the worst opening software program in the world. I'm am now at the point I am looking for a full replacement for Adobe products at the worste and least never going to use LRC again.
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Steven you have replied to a conversation that is several months, 9, old.
I suggest you start your own thread and give as much details as possible on the problem you are having along with your system specs.
Please Consider including the following in your question:
Adobe product and version number
Operating system and version number
The full text of any error message (s)
What you were doing when the problem occurred
Screen shots of the problem
Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; the amount of RAM; etc
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So, as to the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App.
Are you signed in?
Do you ever sign out(not normal)?
as you may be having aan accredidation issue, try signing out, then signing in, pay attention for any notices.