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Lightroom Mobile and Desktop not syncing all rated/starred Images

Community Beginner ,
May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017

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I tried using Lightroom Mobile for the quick edit and rating/starred to help with my work flow but for some reason the rated images in my sync folder shows 199 in LR mobile and the desktop sync only shows 174.  Any one know if there is a work around to get all the rated and edited version to sync properly?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017

Hi Photopav,

Could you please refer to this post and let us know if it helps Why are my ratings stars not syncing with Lightroom mobile?




Adobe Employee ,
May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017

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Hi Photopav,

Could you please refer to this post and let us know if it helps Why are my ratings stars not syncing with Lightroom mobile?






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Community Beginner ,
May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017

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Ok well it seems that work around WORKS, went into Lightroom Mobile changed all the rated images to 3 and boom they all updated fine on my desk top.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017

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I'm glad it's working for you now. Feel free to reach out to us for any future queries.




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Explorer ,
Dec 07, 2023 Dec 07, 2023

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this link is dead and does not lead anywhere




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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2017 Oct 03, 2017

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Hi There,

Sorry to bring up an old post (this is my first post too!) but I'm having a problem with this.

I've started to use LR Mobile on my iPad to help in my workflow and use the ratings to cull photos while I'm away from my desktop, which is a lot of time!

Problem I have is the ratings I've assigned on my iPad aren't all showing up in Desktop and both seem to be synced. iPad shows 980 rated photos but desktop shows 880. Is there a way I can get the ratings to show up on the desktop?

I don't particularly want to change my 1 star ratings to 3 and back if I can avoid it especially without the ability to Select multiple images on the iPad.

Help? Thanks in advance!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 07, 2017 Nov 07, 2017

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Not sure if the new version of cc is working for you or not Bello but everything seems to be working for me now, without the work arounds.




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New Here ,
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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I have the same situation, and the link in the 'correct answer' from Sahil.Chawla below doesn't seem to take me anywhere useful...


My Lightroom Classic has my master library, but I edit on the iPad for ease.  My Lightroom app on my iPad therefore has my edited and rated images, and as an example shows 407 two-star images from a particular collection.  My iPhone app and the (lightweight) desktop Lightroom app all agree on the number of photos and the edits, so it seems that edits and ratings are syncing from my iPad to the cloud ok, and both the iPhone app and the (lightweigh, desktop) Lightroom app are retreiving those edits and ratings from the cloud. 


However, my Lightroom Classic believes it is done syncing, but thinks there areonly 282 two-star photos.  It therefore seems my Lightroom Classic deskop program - my main library - is not retreiving ratings (and possibly edits too?) from the cloud.  It is also missing 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star ratings.  I can pull the same image up in each desktop version of Lightroom, and in one program it is 5-star, whereas in the other it is 1-star.


As a result, I cannot filter my rated images (e.g. all 5-star image) in my main library in order to export them...


Can anyone help?  Thanks in advance.




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Community Expert ,
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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@Jimboid , you replied here to a 6 year old "solved" thread, so it's not sure you'll get much response here. But I would ask you to first confirm you only have ONE instance of Lightroom Classic syncing with the cloud (you meantion "each desktop version of Lightroom" and I hope you are talking about the cloud version and not multiple versions of Lightroom Classic).


Second, within Lightroom Classic, go to the Preferences panel, and view the sync activities in the "Lightroom Sync" tab. What do you see there? Posting a screenshot may be helpful. Please also look in the upper right of Lightroom Classic's interface to see the sync status. Clicking there will drop down a status line. What does it say?


Third, you can go to Lightroom.adobe.com, and sign in with your Adobe ID. This will take you straight to the cloud and you can see exactly what is in the cloud. For example, if the changes on your iPad are not showing there, of course they will never make it back to the desktop, and your troubleshooting changes to your iPad sync status.





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New Here ,
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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Thank you Michael 🙂 I take your point on the age of the thread, but I appreciate your response!  This was just the closest relevant thread I could find...


Yes, I do have some syncing between Lightroom Classic and the cloud.  Firstly, the photos in question are only on the cloud becuase they synced FROM LR Classic to the cloud.  Then, SOME of the photos I have edited and rated on the iPad have synced back to LR Classic.  For example, the 282 two-star images in LR Classic only appear as two-star because I have rated them as such on the iPad.  The same is true for the 3-, 4-, and 5-star ratings.  It really does seem that only SOME of the ratings (and perhaps edits as well) are making it from the cloud back to LR Classic.


To your question about "each desktop version of Lightroom", I mean that I have both Lightroom Classic AND the more lightweight Lightroom CC app on my desktop machine.  Lightroom CC is the cloud-storage based app (as I understand it), and effectively just mirrors the iPad version of the app.  All versions are up to date according to the Creative Cloud app.


As for the sync activity, I should have already mentioned that sorry.  LR Classic believes syncing is up to date.  The Sync Activity box in Preferences > Lightroom Sync shows '0 Uploading, 0 Downloading, 0 Pending'.  The upper right little cloud symbol in LR Classic has the expected green tick, and when I click on that it indicates "LOCAL ACTIVITY: [Green tick] Synced".  It therefore seems to me that LR Classic thinks it is fully up-to-date with syncing.


On the third point, at Lightroom.adobe.com I can see all my edited and rated photos as expected (good to know about this check, thanks).  My conclusion from that is that everything is getting from my iPad to the cloud, as expected.  From some test edits/ratings just now on done on Lightroom.adobe.com, my iPhone and iPad apps are getting ratings and edits from the cloud successfully (though not without a hiccup - see the next paragraph).  The Lightroom CC desktop app (the lightweight version) is also correctly getting everything from the cloud.  Playing around on Lightroom.adobe.com, edits and ratings get pushed to all versions of Lightroom EXCEPT for Lightroom Classic.


It does seem to me to point to an issue with LR Classic's sync... I am watching in real-time as the iPad and iPhone update with edits and new ratings made on Lightroom.adobe.com, but LR Classic just sits there with its green tick thinking syncing is done, when in fact it has synced only SOME of the images.


In case it is relevant, upon doing a new edit and rating to a test image on Lightroom.adobe.com, at first I got a red pop-up at the top of the page saying "Failed to update asset rating" - see the attached screenshot.  In that case, the edits were pushed out to iPad and iPhone, but the rating was not.  I re-loaded the web-page, and then it was possible to rate the image too, which rating was then pushed out to the iPhone and iPad.


So, in summary only SOME of the ratings and edits are being collected by LR Classic from the cloud (the test image I edited and rated on Lightroom.adobe.com still has not been updated in LR Classic...).





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New Here ,
May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023

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Hi All. I have the exact same problem as Jimboid. I did some rating on my tablet and I see that the ratings are in the cloud by viewing lightroom.adobe.com, but the ratings do not flow up to Classic... Looking for a more recent thread, but since this seems to be the same issue, wanted to post like comments together. Thanks! 




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Explorer ,
Dec 07, 2023 Dec 07, 2023

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Same issue here, and there is no updated solution. 


Updated ratings are being uploaded to the cloud but not making their way to Classic on the desktop. 




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New Here ,
Feb 16, 2025 Feb 16, 2025

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I have the same issue




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