Lightroom not syncing all images in folder
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Using Lightroom Classic v9.2. I have 440 images located in a folder on an external drive. See attached screenshot. In LR it shows I only have 408. A difference of 32 images. See screenshot.
When I sync the folder it shows 32 new photos to import. See attached screenshot.
It then shows the final screenshot with no images to add.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have been using LR for a number of years and have not experienced this issue before.
Thank youimages in LR folder
images on hard drive
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Those photos are already in your catalog in some other folder on your drive.
Select the All Photographs option in the Catalog section of the Library modules left hand panel then open the Filter bar, Text option, and type in one of those 32 photos file names. I bet it shows up. Then Right Click on it and selct Show in folder in Library to see what exact folder it is in.
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Thank you for your help.
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Agreeing with Just Shoot Me.
You have already imported these images to Lightroom's catalog, probably by ACCIDENTALLY using COPY, so Lightroom knows about the copy in a different folder, and will not allow you to import the photo again.
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Thank you.