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LR 12.5 beach balling today - frozen - where do I download 12.5 after uninstalling?

Contributor ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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Found the ld version help info  (see link)


BUT still having issues after a reinstall - beachballing on startup.  Full Mac restart did not help.











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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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Step 1: Perform a Clean Install of 13.0.1
Clean Lightroom Install Procedure

Close Lightroom

Restart the computer

Use the Adobe Creative Cloud App to uninstall Lightroom

Restart the computer

Install Lightroom via the Creative Cloud App without launching any other programs.

Restart the computer

Launch Lightroom

Wait 5 minutes


If that doesn't resolve the issue, reset your preferences.

This procedure works for both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Desktop.

If you are using Lightroom Desktop, it can change your local storage location. Please review this setting after resetting preferences. 


Reset Procedure:

1. Close Lightroom.

2. Hold down [Alt/Opt]+[Shift] while restarting Lightroom.

3. Overwrite the Preferences when prompted by the dialog.

4. Close Lightroom.

5. Restart Lightroom.


Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org





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Contributor ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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Thanks for this.  I'm working with v 12.5 Big Sur at the moment - 13.0 shows as Not Compatiblle - so I will have to update MacOS (later as this is a busy week for projects) - and probably even do a whole system version update + clean install to shake the bugs out.

After the above mentioned restart didn't work I tried a full Mac shut down and then restart.  At that point - rather than trying to launch the newly installed LR from the dock  - I tried opening from my last project file - but it came up as corrupt.  (THIS IS HAPPENING CONSTANLY TO MY .lrcat FILES NOW - so I make multiple daily backups which have always worked fine to recover with).  In any event after launching from a freshly unzipped backup .lrcat - it worked!

So for now - I'm OK again.  I also tried LR on another user account and it was OK without alal this - so there's a backup plan if things get really bad.


Ultimately I need to figure out why all my catalogs are getting corrupt.  I'm booting an iMac from external SSD - and saving everything on external HDDs (synced/redundant).  That might be a suspect.  It's not caused by bad HDDs as no other program or saved data on these drives has issues.





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