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I'm having trouble conneccting an image from LR into Photoshop using Edit In/external Editing.
The feature launches PS as expected - but the image never loads into PS - its just a blank, open PS.
I restarted but no help.
(This was working before - I've just updated PS 2024 to v25.2 - Camera RAW and LRC are all Up to date.)
UPDATES - so I've been playing with it. I maintain a copy of PS2020 for a legacy plug in I use - when I Open In and go to that - it works! In the process of failing to Open In PS2024 - I noticed the pop up dialog was missing (the one that says edit original, or wth LR edits) - so there's something going on there.
For now, I'll just Open in - PS2020. Once the PS file is generated and appears in LR alongside the RAW, it WILL Open in - PS2024. So that's a good work around until this gets sorted.
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This question seems to come up and is answered almost every day. Uninstalling Photoshop and Lightroom, and then reinstalling Photoshop first and Lightroom second (that order is important) usually solves this problem.