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yesterday I updated my MacBook Pro to macOS Sonoma. Everything works fine, except Lightroom Classic wich doesn't start anymore. It's stuck at the "Loading" Pop up but then I get a spinning wheel and nothing happens. It basically freezes. I already re-installed it and re-startet the MacBook. Lightroom itself works. I only have issues with Lightroom Classic. Anyone else experiencing this? Any workarounds?
Thank you in advance
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While 12.5 isn't qualified yet for Sonoma, a clean reinstall might cure your issue.
Clean Lightroom Install Procedure
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Hi, tried this 2 times but nothing works. After some minutes LrC doesn't respond anymore. It doesn't even open anymore. What a mess!
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Update: It wasn't just LrC which stopped working, also Premiere Pro didn't open anymore.
After a lot of research and calls with the Apple and Adobe support, I found a solution now. Maybe this could help you too: I simply created a new user on my MacBook, logged in with my Apple-ID and suddenly everything started to work again. I don't know what the exact issue was, but it seems that my connection to iCloud Drive broke during the update and Adobe couldn't access files (probably plugins or system files) that were on the Cloud and needed for a proper performance.
Try it and let me know if it works. If it doesn't I'll forward you some further suggestions I got from Adobe.
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Thanks a lot, will try it!
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So I tried this but nothing works, I even lost all my presets in LrC. Sorry about that!
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I did this and it worked! How were you able to adjust it back to your normal username? or were you not able to?
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I am in the same boat. I am wanting to try the method you did, but am worried about losing my presets. Did you lose yours upon creating a new user?
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You can backup your presets by exporting them and import them in Lightroom again once you set up the new user ;). Just safe them on an external drive or in a cloud. Hope this helps. Let me know if it worked
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Glad to hear that. I kept the old user as a backup but I'm going to delete it now as everything works fine and I will continue using the new user.
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I am currently running into this same issue 10/2024- When you say you created a new user, do you mean on your computer? Or lin lightroom on another computer?
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If a clean reinstall doesn't work, then a preference file reset is the next thing as it survives an uninstall/reinstall process.
This procedure works for both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Desktop.
If you are using Lightroom Desktop, it can change your local storage location. Please review this setting after resetting preferences.
Reset Procedure:
1. Close Lightroom.
2. Hold down [Alt/Opt]+[Shift] while restarting Lightroom.
3. Overwrite the Preferences when prompted by the dialog.
4. Close Lightroom.
5. Restart Lightroom.
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Thank you, will try it!
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Did this work for you?
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Oh wow this works! Thanks so much resolved a big headache.
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Reset proceedure did the trick for me. LR Classic on Macbook M1 with Sanoma 14.5. Started bogging down and not responding with no apparant catalyst. Overwriting the preffereces worked like a charm in a box of Lucky Charms... a little boost of happiness in each spoonful.
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I am running into the same issues, re-install has not helped LRC locks up on launch, MacBook M2 on Sonoma
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Has anyone been able to figure this out? I updated today, tried everything listed here and no dice.
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To each member that LrC will not launch, after dealing with the issue the Adobe Server caused, remember you may have had a crash or force quit, and a lock file might exist. Supposedly you should get an error (LrC catalog in use) but sometimes (in my experience) that error does not show up, check for:
Not likely, but you never know unless you look.
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I contacted Adobe support and basically had to create a new profile on my mac. I went ahead and created a new admin profile, logged in with my apple credentials, opened up LrC and it worked. Something got corrupted on my main profile, Apple gave me the same suggestion Adobe did. Is what it is I guess.
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how to get connect to adobe team
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I believe my issue is connected. My MB Pro is a 16" intel-based model from 2019 with the i9 processor, but my problem has been different until now.
Only the new profile works; the old one doesn't.
I wanted to install a clean copy of the macOS Sonoma, thinking it would format the whole drive, but all apps stayed, so obviously, LR and LrC still don't work. However, the problem is that LrC starts and closes after a few seconds, and the loading screen is displayed.
I will format my Mac and use Time Machine to return some files, but Adobe should address that ASAP anyway!
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Here is my thread for anyone who has a similar problem.
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I am running into the same issues, re-install has not helped LRC look-up the launch, of MacBook M2 on Sonoma. I also followed the reset procedure but it didn't work for me. Team Adobe please sort it out we are not able to work further .
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I'm having a similar issue, and nothing I've tried has worked.