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LR Desktop v4.3 vs LR Classic 10.3

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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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I'm so confused.  I subscribe to the photography plan so I can have all the latest/current things but then get this email taking about new features in Lightroom desktop version 4.3 which I apparently don't have in Classic 10.3. OSX

("Premium Presets are available starting from Lightroom desktop version 4.3 (June 2021 release).")


The LR/PS programs are installed on my desktop - but it's not desktop?  And a totally different versions?  Proior to subscribing I had LR Desktop Version 6.  Now I'm not sure if I am confused - or it's Adobe?




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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If you have subscribed to the Photography Plan and have Lightroom Clasic (which apparently you do), then you also have Lightroom (which some people have added to the confusion by calling it Lightroom Desktop). This adds on to the confusion caused by Adobe having two different products, one named "Lightroom" and one named "Lightroom Classic". So you have Lightroom in your subscription and should be able to use it if you want. There really is no "Lightroom Desktop" officially, it's Lightroom. You don't have to use Lightroom at all.




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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@dj_paige wrote:

If you have subscribed to the Photography Plan and have Lightroom Clasic (which apparently you do), then you also have Lightroom (which some people have added to the confusion by calling it Lightroom Desktop).


"Some people" are Adobe themselves!




This adds on to the confusion caused by Adobe having two different products, one named "Lightroom" and one named "Lightroom Classic". So you have Lightroom in your subscription and should be able to use it if you want. There really is no "Lightroom Desktop" officially, it's Lightroom. You don't have to use Lightroom at all.




I used to have the "desktop" version in V6.  This was back when CC was just coming out and there was that differentiation.  The plan version I have is now "Classic".

Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 12.32.43 PM.png


After updating - the new features are there in 10.3.


I still have no idea what they are trying to say here - ("Premium Presets are available starting from Lightroom desktop version 4.3 (June 2021 release).")  4.3 is a June 2021 release?


I can only guess maybe that Premium Presets are supported all the way back to version 4.3?  While the current version is 10.3.  That doesn't seem right but it's otherwise nonsensical unless there is a version of LR out that's 4.3 and another one that is 10.3 - at the same time.  It wasn't "some people" that messed up the naming schemes - seems like it was Adobe.    🙂




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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There was a Lightroom 4.3 way back around 2012, the successors to that program are Lightroom 6 and then Lightroom Classic 10.3 (the current version). 


Then there is a new Lightroom was created a few years ago, the one they sometimes call Lightroom Desktop, and it is now up to version 4.3, and has some new features they are trying to tell you about.


Different Lightroom.




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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Lightroom Classic is one product. The other product is just called "Lightroom" as you should see in the Creative Cloud app. Lightroom Classic is one you 'want' based on the blurb about Premium Presets. 

Yes, the naming is rather confusing. 


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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I see now!  4.3 is indeed a different version because it's the cloud based version.


Lightroom Classic 10.3

Lightroom Cloud Based 4.3

Got it!


It's just weird because they say above 4.3 is desktop - when it's actually cloud.  😕  ha ha


Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 12.49.37 PM.png




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Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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One of the things I have told people recently is that you should stop trying to think logically about the naming of these Adobe products. It's not logical, it's incredibly confusing. If it was logical, it wouldn't be confusing. One could easily make the case that they did this to maximize confusion, rather than help people. I am not sure I believe that, but I can't rule it out either.


I have also joked that if Adobe chose the name "Bering Strait" for the product they now call Lightroom, that name doesn't belong in any context about the software, but all confusion would be gone (and by the way, another large company whose name begins with the letter "A" actually does similar things, naming their versions "Catalina", "Big Sur", "Bamako Mali" and so on)




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