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LrC 13 splash screen

Engaged ,
Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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There are millions and millions and more millions of really great, wonderful, interesting, original, and beautiful photos out there. A lot of them would deserve to be featured as the artwork of LrC's splash screen. However, in the 17 years I've been using Lightroom (called Lightroom Classic since several years now) only one or two of those chosen as "artwork" (by whom?) could be called really great, wonderful, interesting, original, and beautiful... I've put up with the other "weird" ones, but seeing the latest one, in LrC 13, almost made me vomit. I'm now forced to turn of the splash screen if I don't want to be confronted with something out of a very bad, very tasteless, very unoriginal, and utterly ugly freak show. I wouldn't even call that creation a photo. It's a snapshot (or selfie?...) of someone (or something?...) standing in the middle of a pathway. 

Please, please, please, the Adobe people who have been chosen to choose the "art"work of LrC 13, please try to understand that there is already more then enough ugliness and idiocy out there in the real world. I bet I'm far from the only person who would like to see something better, something more creative and original, and especially something more beautiful on a splash screen of photo editing software that I'm using on a daily basis to manage, edit, publish, and print my own fine art photography. 

PS: I'd like to encourage the photographer of the "art"work to try and make something that is not trying to copy "art" that is now in "fashion" in certain art galleries (those that care for financial investments and not for quality in art). I've seen such freak show pics all over Europe in the last ten or fifteen years.  

macOS , Windows




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Community Expert ,
Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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I agree with you, that's why I disabled the splash screen years ago.

But you can, if you wish, use one of your own images on the splash screen.

I don't know if you're on Mac or Windows, I only know the instructions for Windows.

Create a folder named Splash Screen in C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom

Put a 900 x 600 image of your own choice (jpg or png) in the folder.




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Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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I agree -- I thought this release's photo was particularly unappealing.




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New Here ,
Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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Thank you! I've been disappointed that Adobe chose to use an unappealing photo of some combination of the Tin Man and Cousin It for their splash screen. It appears to have been pulled off of Snapchat or Instagram, or their teenager's cellphone, Why? Are they trying to attract 13 year-old users? I'm going to try to replace it with one of my own, as described by Per Bentsen earlier. 

It appears they didn't notice your request, but I would fully support your request! 




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Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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Because although you might not like the image, obviously somebody did - enough to choose it for the splash screen.


You (and the OP) are unlikely to win any "value judgement" arguments over something so subjective...


It's something I literally haven't wasted a moment's angst over - like Per, I've had the splash screen turned off for years, and personally I'm baffled why anyone would waste so much emotional energy on something they need never even see.


"It appears they didn't notice your request, but I would fully support your request! "


Because it's in the "Discussons", section, not in "Ideas", most likely.




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Engaged ,
Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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The Emperor's Clothes 




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Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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Just tell me where I'm wrong, eh?




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Engaged ,
Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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You're wrong in thinking you're right.




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Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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So you're saying that I'm not right in pointing out (as others have too) that there are at least two easily available solutions to this "crisis", which make the whole business a complete non-issue?


Is that really what you're saying?  


Because if it is - I invite you to try again. And this time actualy read the thread. I am objectively right in saying that there are ways make the "problem" go away without the need for any of the tub-thumping angst.




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Engaged ,
Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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1. There's no need to repeat what others have said long time before you, on this thread.
2. There's no need to use bad language.
3. There's no need to think I don't understand what I read on this thread.

But there's definitely a need in you understanding what the subject is about: promoting bad photography by pushing it in the face of millions of users, who, unlike you or me or others, don't even know they can turn off the splash screen or change it.

It's not about the splash screen, it's about why for the love of Zeus and Hera such an ugly image needs to be promoted by "somebody" at Adobe. There's millions of good photographs out there. Instead ugliness and stupidity are promoted. There's enough of that already in the real world out there.




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Participant ,
Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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Lightroom is all about your photography. Why would you even turn on the splash screen? There are gazillions of photographs in other places. Why would I look at one image that I don't even like repeatedly in my catalog? The splash screen doesn't make sense these days IMO.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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Why turn on?  I occassionally present a workshop or Club presentation with Lightroom-Classic, and my personal splash-screen gives me some boasting rights to have my name appear in the splash screen when I start LrC. A boost for my ego  🙂

2023-12-31 13_06_04-Splash Screen.jpg



Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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Yeah - but it's your splash screen, Rob: you're not wasting emotional mileage whining about a "problem" that can be addressed easily in at least two different ways with barely any effort on the part of the user... 


I really don't understand why people put more effort into complaining, than into finding solutions - especially when the solutions are so simple.




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Engaged ,
Dec 31, 2023 Dec 31, 2023

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What some people refuse to understand is the fact that Adobe is publishing a bad photograph to millions of people, some of which will be thinking this definitely must be a good photograph because "somebody" (at Adobe) must have found it a good photograph to have it featured on a splash screen that most users don't even know you can turn off or change. Promoting bad photography is something I will always protest against, no matter what or who is promoting it.
And I'm sorry, but there are definitely ways to judge photographs, otherwise there would be no more need for contests, exhibitions, or art schools. 
This horrible image has nothing to do with good photography, only with fashion statements in which "weird", "abnormal", "horrible", "shocking", "crazy", "dumb", and other such "ideas" are promoted as being the "new" aesthetics.
And what subject I waste my "emotional energy" on, is my business. Not yours. 




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