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Je suis sous windows 10, mon LRC fonctionnait sans pb depuis sa mise en service jusqu'à la dernière mise à jour 13.1.
LRC se lance, mais il se ferme intempestivement de façon aléatoire : le plus souvent quelques minutes après l'avoir lancé, parfois après plusieurs dizaines de minutes de travail.
Récemment j'ai eu un pop-up d'erreur (voir ci-dessous) est-ce un indice pour trouver le bug ?
Avez-vous une solution à me proposer ?
Merci !
Google translation: "Lightroom encountered an error reading from the preview cache and must exit. Lightroom will attempt to resolve the issue the next time it launches."
See this help article:
Translation: "Thank you for your response, but this preview cache problem has not reappeared since I restarted LRC. On the other hand, my problem remains: LRC launches, but it closes unexpectedly randomly: often a few minutes after launching it, sometimes after several tens of minutes of work. Does anyone have a solution to suggest to me to resolve this extremely annoying problem? Kind regards, Daniel"
Did you try deleting the preview cache as described in that help article? The cache might be
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Google translation: "Lightroom encountered an error reading from the preview cache and must exit. Lightroom will attempt to resolve the issue the next time it launches."
See this help article:
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Merci pour votre réponse, mais ce problème de mémoire cache de l'apperçu n'est pas réapparu depuis que j'ai relancé LRC.
Par contre mon problème demeure :
LRC se lance, mais il se ferme intempestivement de façon aléatoire : le souvent quelques minutes après l'avoir lancé, parfois après plusieurs dizaines de minutes de travail.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une solution à me proposer pour résoudre ce problème extrèmement pénible ?
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Translation: "Thank you for your response, but this preview cache problem has not reappeared since I restarted LRC. On the other hand, my problem remains: LRC launches, but it closes unexpectedly randomly: often a few minutes after launching it, sometimes after several tens of minutes of work. Does anyone have a solution to suggest to me to resolve this extremely annoying problem? Kind regards, Daniel"
Did you try deleting the preview cache as described in that help article? The cache might be corrupted in a way that only sometimes causes LR to give that error message.
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Hello, I also have version 13.1 and I have exactly the same problem as thazard. Clearing the previews cache does not solve the problem of lightroom closing unexpectedly.
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Have you found the solution? I haven't and my LRC crashes all the time, it's exhausting and besides it's my work tool! What can I do?
Best regards,