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Organize preset FOLDERS into groups??

Explorer ,
Jul 16, 2022 Jul 16, 2022

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How does Lightroom Classic group folders into sections? (see attached image below)

I would like to manually determine how folders are grouped together between the little grey seperator lines seen in the image attached below.

It seems arbitrary for how or why LR adds that little grey seperator line to group sets/folders of presets. But I need to figure out how to specify them so that I can organize my folders. (ie: folders of presets with vintage style, folders of presets with simple clean style, folders of presets with dramatic style, etc.)


I searched a lot and tested some theories but haven't found anyone even ASK about this online even though it seems to me that it would be incredibly handy for organizing.


Ideas? Thoughts? Theories? Answers?

PS- on a mac with LR classic running newest version of both


Screen Shot 2022-07-16 at 1.38.43 PM.pngexpand image







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Jul 16, 2022 Jul 16, 2022

ok, so I kept hunting and came across a post that called them "clusters" I tried searching this phrase only to realize that's what Adobe actually calls them so that led me to some answers.

Essentially you need to open each .xml file (the preset file) and find the spot that designates the Cluster Name (looks something like:  crs:Cluster="XYZ Name Here").
Yes it's a weird hack that should have a user friendly way to change from within lightroom but for now you'll have to open each file manually. Hav




Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2022 Jul 16, 2022

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These groups, as well as the deviders, are stored inside the presets themselves. To manage them fully (including those 'arbitrary' deviders), you need to use Camera Raw.


-- Johan W. Elzenga





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Explorer ,
Jul 16, 2022 Jul 16, 2022

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ok, so I kept hunting and came across a post that called them "clusters" I tried searching this phrase only to realize that's what Adobe actually calls them so that led me to some answers.

Essentially you need to open each .xml file (the preset file) and find the spot that designates the Cluster Name (looks something like:  crs:Cluster="XYZ Name Here").
Yes it's a weird hack that should have a user friendly way to change from within lightroom but for now you'll have to open each file manually. Have a bajillion presets? Here's how I did it pretty quickly on my Mac:


Setup for quick success:

- Open the finder window where your presets are stored

- right-click on an .xml preset> select GET INFO

- Under Open With: choose Text Edit if it's not already set as the default

- Click CHANGE ALL. Now all of your .xml files will default open with text edit 


- Go back to the finder window with your presets and double click each one down the list to open several at a time

- Pick a descriptive name for how you are Clustering your preset folders ie: vintage, muted, preset brand name, etc. This name won't show up anywhere so it's really only for your own use.

- at the top of the .xml file look for the line that says: crs:Cluster="XYZ Name Here". Likely there will be no name, just "".

- put your cursor between the quote marks and type your Cluster name. Highlight and copy just the name (in between the quotes) to use in the other files.

- save and exit the .xml file


- If you have opened several .xml files, as I mentioned above, the next open file will automatically pop to the front. - Now all you have to do is click your cursor between the quote marks on the Cluster line as you did before and paste the same cluster name.

- save and exit.


If you use keyboard shortcuts to paste/save/exit, it makes really quick work of this process even if you have 323 presets to cluster. 
Paste: Command V
Save: Command S

Close Command W


- When you're all done, restart Lightroom. They should now all be clustered together with the other presets of the same cluster name. If you accidentally missed any, you'll see they are in a folder of the same name in their original spot. Simply right click on it> Open in finder> change the cluster name in the .xml file> restart lightroom







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