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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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Object removals works not always well. The area of the brushed area is larger but object removal is not accurate anymore especially in complex photo's. Too much has been removed
Best regards
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@lex_9408: "The area of the brushed area is larger but object removal is not accurate anymore especially in complex photo's. Too much has been removed"
I think that in many cases, using Detect Objects makes the selection too big. In those cases, I usually get much better results unchecked it. If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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@lex_9408: "I attached the one with removed objects. Now the original in jpeg"
Your attachments didn't make it, unfortunately. You have to come back to the web to add them to your reply (drag them to the box right below the reply box).
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Without object removal it works fine however I should expect better with it
best regards Lex
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@lex_9408: "Without object removal it works fine however I should expect better with it "
Agreed. Detect Objects is fine in simple cases, and can be a good starting point, but I often end up turning it off or significantly refining it manually.
Also, I was curious to see if the noisy background with the dog cages could be simplified. It took three applications of Remove -- the left person, the clump of people on the right, and then the background, using the second variation of the background:
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Sorry, I don't have a reply.
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I have only had a few problems with Generative Remove where the item to be replace wasn't replaced. I tried to remove a power line pole and the replacement was a white looking pole. I then went to use Color Efex and the Remove worked fine with the edit file it produced.
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@David_Latini1083, "I tried to remove a power line pole and the replacement was a white looking pole. "
There are likely a couple easy ways to remedy that: Uncheck Detect Objects, make sure any shadows and reflects are selected. If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Buenos dÃas:
Al utilizar la aplicación de "Quitar objetos" , selecciono el objeto que que quiero quitar y con el picel selecciono el objeto que quiero quitar, clico la pestaña de quitar y el objeto no se borra del todo, el objeto queda borroso pero no desaparece.
El la aplicación tengo Activado: Usar IA Generativa, Detector de objetos, Superposición de herramientas: Siempre
Desactivado: Visualizar tintas planas. Ruego me indiquen como lo tengo que hacer para que el objeto se quite completamente de la foto. Muchas gracias
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@PEDRO27774332mxxh: "the object is not completely deleted, the object is blurred but does not disappear."
First things to check:
1. After clicking Remove, make sure the Opacity slider is 100.
2. Are you applying Remove on top of an AI mask, e.g. a Sky mask? If so, recompute the AI mask by doing the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings.
If these steps don't help, see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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@RobHoglund: "I tried to remove the "orange" cord above the bench in both mobile and desktop versions, but it just doesn't do anything. Even the variations produce no results."
With your attached exported image, I was able to quickly remove the orange cord with four different applications of Remove (see below).
The image's metadata indicates that you cropped the image along the top. So when you applied Remove to the top segment of the cord, Remove was trying to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels of the cord. Adobe wants you to remove first, then crop, which doesn't match many people's natural workflow.
See this article for more details on how to remove objects more reliably:
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Thanks, John. I think my problem was with opacity. Anyway, it's fixed.
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Glad it was easy to resolve. There have been a number of reports about glitches with Opacity, and the UI hides the slider compared to the previous version.
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I am trying to remove a child from the corner of a picture I took of my two kids, but the generative remove always puts me another child there, in all versions.....not very helpful
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@lalocurapura: "I am trying to remove a child from the corner of a picture I took of my two kids, but the generative remove always puts me another child there, in all versions"
1. Is the photo cropped? If so, uncrop it, do the Remove, and then re-apply the Crop. Remove tries to match the cropped-out pixels.
2. Make sure you select all bits of the child, even small ones that might be disconnected from the main part of the child (e.g. a hand around the shoulder). And select any shadows cast by the child.
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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With your screenshot, Remove immediately removed the tire:
Things to check:
1. If you had previously cropped the photo, then undo the crop, do Remove, then crop again. Remove looks at all the pixels in a photo, including those that are cropped out, and it's generating replacements that match those unselected cropped-out pixels. Adobe wants you to remove first, then crop (which doesn't match many people's natural workflow).
2. You might have to select more of the shadow cast by the tire. Otherwise, Generative AI can create replacements that also cast the shadow.
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail.
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I often get an error message with Generative Remove indicating that "Generative Rmoved Failed: We've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later". Any thoughts??
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The Beta version worked much better. This update doesn't remove any objects even small ones.
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@kenneth_4368: "This update doesn't remove any objects even small ones."
After clicking Remove, check that the Opacity Slider is at 100:
For some people, the update sets it to something less than 100.
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I am using Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 on Windows 10. I want to remove one of the generative replacements that I did. but it will not go away. I right click on the idon and chose remove, but nothing happens.