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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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Ciao, con l'aggiornamento build 14 lo strumento rimozione è ingestibile: anche un piccolo punto da rimuovere lascia aloni chiari. Il pc rimane bloccato alcuni secondi (core i7 32gb ram, geforce 1070). Anche senza usare la ia generativa il sistema rallenta vistosamente. Spero un una patch correttiva. Saluti.
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La nueva version de remover en Lightroom empeoro considerablemente, la version anterior daba resultados mas realistas y entendia que tenia q borrar un objeto o fondo, en la version actual en lugar de remover el objeto o el fondo, lo reemplaza por algo similar y con una calidad muy artificial.
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@luckbuch: "In the current version, instead of removing the object or background, it replaces it with something similar and with a very artificial quality."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo, so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I am having the same experience. Generative remove just replaces object with AI hallucination of same object. Then about every 3rd time, the app freezes and crashes. Needs an immediate fix.
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@Chris_A4086: "Generative remove just replaces object with AI hallucination of same object."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo, so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
"Then about every 3rd time, the app freezes and crashes. Needs an immediate fix."
The hallucinations are unrelated to the crashes. LR's AI commands are very sensitive to bugs in graphics drivers. Try updating your graphics driver by going directly to the manufacturer's web site:
(If you're on Mac, the only way to update your driver is to update to the most recent version of Mac OS, unfortunately.)
If that doesn't help, please start a new thread describing the symptoms. Do the menu command Help > System Info and include its entire contents in that post.
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So far it is the worst version of Lightroom. It slows me down to extremes. I m stuck removing someones extra hairs for 2 hours only 1 picture. I must edit 25 images at this paste is never going to get done. I am extremely dissatisfied with this product. Adobe needs to do better than tell me to turen my comouter down and reset the program. I have beedn doing this for 15 years already!! I dont even have 2 folders in my gallery. My computer is empty pretty much and just running this program.
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I'm having similar issues.
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@sherwood77: "I'm having similar issues."
Without seeing much more detail, including a sample photo, it's impossible to give particular help -- people's "similar" issues range all over the board.
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Chris, I am having the same issue
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@NickiG: "I am having the same issue"
Is your "same issue" that Remove is replacing objects with other variants of the object rather than with background, or is your "same issue" that LR is crashing frequently? See my reply above for next steps on both:
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Same here. Lightroom is not crashing but it gives me hard time with generative remove. Instead of removing objects, it changes them to AI variants of the same stuff, or random crap. In one photo it changed some guy in background to trashcan, in other to chair.
I see similar behavior in PS from time to time but you can write prompt for it to remove it properly.
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@igi333: " Instead of removing objects, it changes them to AI variants of the same stuff, or random crap. "
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I can't give you .jpg file as it's from my commercial gag. I'm using this feature since it came, and was using photoshop generative remove ever since. It's too good not to be used. It's a current LR version that's bad.
With PS i have a feeling that AI tools are working worse than when it just came but havent done any scientific test on it. It's either user error or a bug made to force people to click more variants, as the issue started around the time when adobe limited generative clicks.
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@igi333: "Instead of removing objects, it changes them to AI variants of the same stuff, or random crap."
Your screenshots immediately showed the issue -- you need to select both the reflections and shadows cast on the floor and the wall by the objects you want to remove. Otherwise, Remove will try to generate replacements that cast the remaining reflections and shadows. (This hasn't changed in LR 14.)
See this short article for more details about this and other techniques required to use Remove effectively:
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I think I'm right in saying that the way we exit the AI remove feature is unique. It needs to be the same as other features. This has really screwed with my workflow. Please, when the remove has been processed, pressing ENTER should close the function.
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[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.]
In my Lr 14.1 on Mac and Windows, typing enter/return does the expected action for Generative Remove, either invoking the Remove button or closing the current panel.
After making a selection, I see:
Typing Return invokes the Remove button, and I then see:
Typing Return again closes the highlighted panel, going back to the main Remove tool panel:
Typing Return again closes the Remove tool panel:
This seems to me like it follows the conventions elsewhere in LR.
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@Michael Allen1452: "its not very good at is removing window glare on hard wood floors for real estate photography."
Using your screenshot, I found that I had to select a large portion of the floor, including parts that weren't lightened by the window light and a little bit of the white floor boards, to get plausible replacements:
I had to go through about 20 variations to find some good ones. Tip: When you're looking at variations, if you see a good one, create a snapshot to save it. You can then easily go back and review the saved snapshots to find the best one.
The selected area is pretty large, and large replacements can often look blurry (the maximum replacement size is 2048 x 2048, and larger than that, LR will scale up the replacement). It's hard to tell from your low-resolution screenshot whether the replacements on a full-resolution image would be blurry -- attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot).
I did find that the floor looks a little more natural, with straighter lines, if I modified the original large selection by using Subtract to subtract a swath between the two reflections:
Very important: Making a single large selection and subtracting areas you don't want included gives better results than making multiple disconnected selections, due to a design bug in LR. See this article for why that is:
Finally, I wonder if the "tech preview" (beta) Reflection Removal tool in PS, designed for window reflections, might do a good job on the floor:
That only works on raws, so I couldn't try it with your screenshot.
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"I had to go through about 20 variations to find some good ones. Tip: When you're looking at variations, if you see a good one, create a snapshot to save it. You can then easily go back and review the saved snapshots to find the best one."
It is possible to keep more than 3 variations.
I have a code that does it BUT I found there's a table limit of max 5 variations (or I am just stupid and can't store more)
So we could have the following:
1. User refreshes selected Gen Remove.
2. After refresh the previously selected variation is carried over.
3. The previously non selected variations (supposedly the bad ones discarded) are lost.
Result : 4 variations
1 old best + 3 new.
Frankly IMO any user that needs results with Generative Remove should just use Photoshop that: is two clicks away form LrC AND allows to keep 40+ variations AND allows type instructions AND erase the layer without generating more variations AND allows to generate similar AND etc...
Downside: user has a second file with the Gen Removes.
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Here's a video of my code in action.
It is theoretically possible to keep more than 3 variations per each Generative Remove but I had problems
In the example 4 out of 5 variations work, 1 is bad.
I don't know how to fix this, I am using what Camera Raw gives us.
With the SDK I was hitting a wall.
I should revisit this code, I kinda abandoned it.
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OK thanks. I didn't know about including the shadow of the object in the selection. That helped but it still wasn't as good as PS. Nice to know if I can't get the result I want in LrC, I can go over to PS and probably get what I want.