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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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@Elyasaf_Rubinstein8068: "the tool has become completely non-functional. It is unable to remove anything, even small and simple objects. Instead, it frequently creates a strange cloud or shadow in the background of the object or blurs it without completely removing it, leaving a 'ghostly' remnant. "
Two typical causes of this:
1. The Opacity slider might be set to less than 100. (The slider only appears after clicking Remove.) Sometimes the user accidentally changes the slider, and sometimes LR appears to change it by itself.
2. Applying Remove on top of an AI mask, e.g. Sky. Do the menu command Settings > Update Ai Settings to recompute the mask.
If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Generally it works absolutely perfectly. Amazing what a difference that makes.
Occasionally though it leaves weird 'blobs' but mostly it works as advertised
Many thanks team
Henri Eijkman
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@henke51366242: "Occasionally though it leaves weird 'blobs' "
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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me marca error
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Funciona muy deficientemente. Continuamente me aparece el mensaje de que no hay conexión a Intenet cuando sí que está conectada y con muy buena señal.
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@Jose GZ: "I keep getting the message that there is no Internet connection"
Please post a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the entire error message -- depending on the error, there's probably a workaround.
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In Lightroom Classic, there should be some sort of prompt to guide the AI generative remove.. I am trying to remove a person from a photo of an auditorium full of people and it continuously tries to generate someone else in that place.
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@lukasradek: "In Lightroom Classic, there should be some sort of prompt to guide the AI generative remove.."
Photoshop has Generative Fill, which allows you to provide prompts. A couple others have requested here that LR offer something similar. Please add your constructive opinion and upvote this existing feature request:
"I am trying to remove a person from a photo of an auditorium full of people and it continuously tries to generate someone else in that place."
This is often possible with Remove but requires experience with Remove's rougher edges. See here for an example of removing a person from a crowded group of people:
This example trips over a misfeature in the Remove selection UI, which if it were fixed, would have made the example much easier to accomplish. If this doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), and I'll see how hard it is to use Remove. (This would provide more evidence either for Adobe to fix the Remove UI and/or for allowing generative-fill prompts.)
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Well because "removing something" is sort of a context dependent and subjective operation. That is why additional prompt is quite useful for such tool.
The result that you present is something that I would rather expect from a healing tool, though.
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You're just wrong. "Remove" is "remove" and adding other random generated artifacts is just a bug.
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@BK_2069: " if it's truly remove... why does it so frequently add in other random things vs. work to find ways to cleanly remove distracting objects...."
This is a good example of the simple rule that you must select all of an object, including shadows and reflections. You selected some but not all of the shadows and reflections. When you select those, including the faint shadows cast by side lighting and the reflection below the athlete's leg, Remove quickly does a good job:
If you don't select all the shadows and reflections, then Remove will generate a replacement that tries to cast them.
Note that, due to a bug in the LR user interface that Adobe considers "as designed", you must first make a selection that contiguously selects all of the object. Then use Subtract to remove parts you don't want replaced -- in this case, I removed the leg between the upper and lower reflections. If instead you try to make separate, disconnected selections with Add, Remove treats those as completely separate, as if you had done one at a time, and it won't work here.
This and other guidelines are covered in more detail in this article, definitely worth the five-minute read:
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Thanks John. Super helpful. Will be more careful with selections and see how it goes.... One question... seems like it doesn't respect cropping.... so cropped an image leaving just a hand sticking out of the side of the frame from another player.... attempted to select and GenAI remove, but it just gives me 3 options of other fingers.... obviously, this is a good use for clone, but should AI behave differently here?
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Remove looks at all the pixels of the photo, including unselected pixels that have been cropped out. In your case, Remove is generating a replacement that matches the rest of the cropped-out player's arm. Adobe's design rationale is that you might later want to adjust the crop, so Remove applies to the entire image.
So undo the crop, remove the fingers and arm, then re-crop.
This need to Remove first then crop doesn't match most people's workflow -- you don't know what might need removal until you've cropped and edited. And Crop is the only tool that you can't toggle off temporarily, saving your settings. So what I do is do Copy, selecting just Crop, undo the Crop, do the Remove, then do Paste.
It would avoid much confusion if LR just temporarily toggled off the crop while the Remove tool is open, as the tool does when there's a Lens Blur.
See the end of the article for recommended order in which to apply all the various settings.
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In LR Classic I find the generative AI remove tool rarely removes the object I select, but just changes its structure to be more cartoonish.
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@mrlenz: "the generative AI remove tool rarely removes the object I select, but just changes its structure to be more cartoonish."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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I had cropped already and did not realize it looked to original. Started with original image and it worked better.
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@Neil Waving: "Why is Lightroom telling me that I'm not conected to the internet when I definitely am connected?"
Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Restart the computer.
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
- Try relaunching the Finder -- start Finder, click the Finder menu, and do Quit Finder. Someone reported that this solved this problem for him.
Please let us know which of these work and which don't.
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Unfortunately it stopped working for me after updates. Not removing any objects, never. I tried multiple photos, deleting small things, results are useless now. It wasn't the case in the past. It seems to be latest updates issue.
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@Anna35287185zjd4: "it stopped working for me after updates. Not removing any objects, never. I tried multiple photos, deleting small things, results are useless now. It wasn't the case in the past."
After clicking Remove, make sure the Opacity slider is set to 100:
Many people have reported that the updates changed their Opacity sliders.
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Hi Rick
I keep trying to remove a post and a person within a simple background (e.g. post with clear blue sky background or person on a bridge) yet the removed object remains as a ghost image.
I read: "If this occurs, you will have to use Update AI Settings, which can be found under the Develop module 'Settings' menu. ""
This is again difficult to find, but when i eventually did, I updated that AI settings on that photo but the problem persists. It is clear I am getting it wrong because so often IA remove works brilliantly, yet at other times it suubbornly gives me a ghost like object.
Ive been scouring this forum but so far nothing that sticks out. But have followed up on other leads - so learning overaal but the ghost ing issue defies all my attempts till now
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@henke51366242: "I keep trying to remove a post and a person within a simple background (e.g. post with clear blue sky background or person on a bridge) yet the removed object remains as a ghost image. ... I updated that AI settings on that photo but the problem persists."
After clicking Remove, make sure the Opacity slider is set to 100:
Applying Remove on top of AI masking (e.g. a Sky mask, corrected by doing Update AI Settings) and Opacity sliders set to less than 100 are the primary causes of ghost images. But if this doesn't help, then rather than play twenty questions, share the original photo and your develop settings here. In Library, select the photo and do the menu command Metadata > Save Metadata To File. Then upload photo file (and if it's raw, its .xmp sidecar file) to Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or other free service and post the sharing link here.
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it is very great and helpful.