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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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very good, thanks for the information. I didn't know about this detail.
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After using generative remove to remove a branch, the branch is back later after restarting LR. WTF?
LR Classic 14.
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release 14.0
just upgraded and my first attempt was flawless with LR. I has worked good up to this point but this was a complicated background
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Lightroom Classic 14.0 on Windows 11
It would seem the app updated to this version in the background in the past 24 hours. Suddenly, the Remove tool, which has worked beautifully as an eraser, is not working - the result ends up moving fragments of the object I'm trying to erase, from one part of the image to another.
Am I missing something?
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@jerseyjon: "the result ends up moving fragments of the object I'm trying to erase, from one part of the image to another."
Please attach full-resolution screenshots (not phone pics) of the ENTIRE LR window showing the photo after you've made your selection of the object and then after you've clicked Remove. We'll then see exactly what's going on and can likely provide an easy solution.
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@bergamar to truly match grain in LrC is pretty much impossible.
LrC grain Library is very limited compared to other softwares.
What you can do is apply a Mask with Local Grain over the Gen Remove Area and try to match the image noise/grain.
You can simplyfy the process by creating a Full Image Mask that selects the entire image and apply to all the Image the same Local Grain.
Like this you have a match, in the sense that the grain applied by LrC will be the same everywhere BUT this approach means adding Grain above the one of the RAW.
DO NOT use Global Grain in the Detail PANEL to match grain
Unfortunately it adds blur we can't control above Grain Size +30.
The Local Grain doesn't add blur so you can keep your orginal sharpness intact, Local Grain is better.
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I experienced this also. It may be helpful to be able to create a mask directly from the current selection. With this mask one could try to adjust the appearance of the generated area.
On the positive side, in my case the generated content served as a rough guideline. Using the stamp tool was straightforward from this point on, and i was able to pick up the grainy texture from the surrounding area.
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Trovo l'ultimo aggiornamento molto peggiorativo rispetto alla versione precedente che reputavo ottima. Rimozione generativa lentissima e a scatti. Ad ogni operazione di rimozione lasci fastidiosissimi aloni chiari. Diventa tutto molto complesso. Urge patch di correzione.
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@vincenzo_6388: "With each removal operation you leave annoying light halos."
Please attach full-resolution screenshots (not phone pics) of the ENTIRE LR window showing the photo after you've made your selection of the object and then after you've clicked Remove. We'll then see exactly what's going on and can likely provide an easy solution.
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Generative removal has to be done again for ALL masks in the catalog and this causes errors in already finished images and also means that all newly created masks are deducted from the monthly available credits? WHY?
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Tried to remove a tree trunk but it simply replaced it with a smaller section . I also tried extending the selection quite a way into the background but got a similar result. Went into PS and removed it with the remove tool.
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since today i have the problem, that a few minutes after removingan object an exclamation mark appears a few minutes later to indicate that it needs to be updated. The removed object is then back and I can start again from the beginning. What is the problem?
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Next problem: I updated the masks in Lightroom Classic and then Lightroom Mobile tells me on the same image that I need to update the masks AGAIN. Each update reduces the monthly credits...REALLY?
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Please make the remove properties mantained from one picture to others. I have to "update settings" after each use to remove some spots or areas. It's nonsense... if i don't want to use, I don't copy "remove" properties. It's a lot of time wasted.... in previous version it works like a charm this option. Now I have to wait 10-15 sec for every picture even it's not used generative AI. Apart from this inconvenience, generative AI works fine in Lightroom.
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What do you mean by "Please make the remove properties mantained from one picture to others."
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Warum muss ich, wenn ich ein unerwünschtes Objekt entfernt habe beim nächsten Öffnen von Lightroom das bereits entfernte Objekt nochmal mit "Aktualisieren" erneut entfernen? Das macht doch - ausse mehr Arbeit - keinen Sinn, oder?
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To all users having with Remove (i.e Gen Remve doing a poor job OR replacing object with another object) then use the "Report Variation" menu.
You can send the images to Adobe so that eventually can train the Ai.
Unfortunately you must add a description of the problem because there are no checkboxes for "Quality issue" or "Replaced instead of Removed"...the two common case of Generative Content failure that so many of you are experiencing, that we all experience daily.
Adobe will hopefully issue Firefly credits refunds.
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So far the results I got were much better than with the old tool, but in my case, changing the tool/circle size is extremely slow. There's a huge delay when I turn the mouse wheel or use the square brackets, doesn't matter. Did not have the same issue with the old version.
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I am using the latest version of Lightroom Classic. When removing objects on a DNG file everything goes well. Later on, when reviewing my photos before exporting them, I realise that the objects I had removed in some of my photos are still visible. Going to the Develop Module I realise there is a red dot under the remove tool and a message saying ''Some Remove settings need to be updated''. I update them and minutes later I have to go over this process another time. It doesn't seem to keep the changes. Am I the only person having this problem? Is it a bug in the software? Am I doing something wrong?
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I just experienced exatly the same issue. Except that there was no indication of an issue before exporting. I exported and saw that the removed objects were still visible in the JPEGs. After performing the update all looked good. Still very annoying.
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I have been doing this over and over and over adn over again all day. The only work around i am finding is ediitng and exporting each photo one by one because the moment i move to the next photo the AI edits are gone on the previous. GIGANTIC waste of time!
if anyone has a fix please let me know!
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I am not a fan of the new AI generative features in lightroom classic. It casues continual issues of having to update the masks. I edit one photo, and a few previous ones need to be updated. I edit another, and a few other masks fail. It is a HUGE time waster.
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This facility simply doesn't work. Do we have to go to anoher product to get rid of unwanted items? How do I get back to a previous version of the product . It worked!!!
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None of the remove/heal/clone options in Lightroom Classic are working for me in the new update. What am I doing wrong?