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Once I go over 8% the lens blur picks out detail of the subject. Noticable particularly on the aerials as part of these are retained but the upper half are blurred. Strange how the blur is applied to a small part of the nose undercarriage.
Other wise I like the feature
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The tool is amazing. Maybe it's already implemented, but I can't find the following: sometimes there are parts of the main subject that are detected in a different depht of field. It would be nice to been able to add or remove parts of the subject or modify the autodetected deep of field. Thanks
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I missed these refine tools - will they help?
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Use the FOCUS option to remove the blur from the areas which you do not want to be blurred. Use the BLUR option to remove the focus from the areas which you do not want to be in focus. Use FOCAL RANGE/VISUALIZE DEPTH to increase/decrease/move the depth of field
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Thanks, that's what I was looking for.
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Initial reaction - Wow, amazing!
I love:
I'd like to understand the Bokeh modes/effects and how that works. I guess there's reading out there that I haven't found yet.
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Отличная возможность!
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I really like this. It didn't get the depth of the subject right on the first image I tried it on, but the fact that it has masking built in allowed me to work around that.
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Salut, je suis fan de cette fonction ! Dans certains cas, on a vraiment l'impression d'avoir un objectif plus ouvert... beau travail continuez.
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I would love for where you see the focal spread at, zoom in closer to your selected range as you go in in order to dial it in precisely. Possibly even allow for there to be a number value given to each end of the slider in order to dial it in that way. Great tool, keep it up.
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it s allways crashing on my pc pc is an i5, 8gb ram i think and 4 gb video card
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it wont copy the effect into a frame by frame sequence. like for doing a hyperlapse, or anything frame by frame. im finding a bit problematic making a very gorgeuos effect but then not being able to copy in sequence (cmd+shift+c / cmd+shift+v)
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YES! I like it a lot. I need to read more but I seem to miss the order in which to do this. Do I make the changes then apply?
I will read more on the board. I think this is a good idea. I had a situation where I had to use f /11 to get all my subject in focus but it also included background which I did not want. I tried this feature and it worked perfectly.
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distinguishing between foreground blue and background blur would be great
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You should have the option to work more like Alienware Bokeh2 where you can select your subject using the mask tools to define what you want to stay in focus as an option to the AI only option. This is pretty good, but Bokeh2 provides much more control.
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this feature is great but its not that accurate in detecting human subjects ...while am using this feature its also blurring out the edges of human subjects, am not able to fix the selection even with the slider again am doing it manually to make the edges of subject look focused. eg : their hair , face edges and clothes edges are getting blured out. need some updates to make it more accurate .
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It's easy to see the effect of Lens Blur except for the Bokeh function. I don't understand the concept and when I click on each of the 5 options I can see just a tiny bit of change, like a bottle in the background gaining or losing an extra edge on its image. I wonder what I'm missing? Could it be the photos I selected, closeups of individuals with some background that is easy to Blur with the function?
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When refining focus with the brush, I'd love it if there was a slider to indicate that the area I'm brushing needs to move forward or back. This would likely end up with that refine tool working like the masks, by allowing you to create several refinements moving different directions.
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The few times i've gotten this to work I've really liked it. It works well for what I was looking for. however, usually I get an error message: "something went wrong. There was an unexpected error and your request could not be completed." Just prior to this it worked great. Where can I go to troubleshoot this?
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the blur itself is surprisingly good but since everything hinges completely on the mask is unusable for high end commercial retouch as it stands. The masking is all over the place. for now, a little more than a gimmick.
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From what I've done with it so far, it works GREAT! Very easy to use and very good at deparating foreground and background subject! Yeah, it's GREAT! Mitch
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Very useful even in its early access form.
sony a7R4 62Mp raw files
AMD 3090X, Nvidea RTX 4070, windows 11, 32GB physical memory, 48GB virtual memory space
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Needs to be able to work with user created masks too. AI is not exactly a genius at reading our minds (not yet)