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Très bon résultat sur une photo à 2 niveaux. très content du résultat
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Very impressive ! It looks good and is convincing images are produced with this post processing "aperture selection".
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I tried 3 images and got this result for all.
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Great feature! I'd love to see an option in the future that allows you to apply it it multiple images at a time
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Good evening, currently, I have identified the following issues related to the Lens Blur function when using the Develop mode in LrC (I always use dual monitors, the PC is an HP Zbook with a 17-1265U CPU, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Intel Iris + NVIDIA T550 GPU with 4 GB dedicated memory and 16 GB shared). Often, I have perviously created masks, for example, for background operations:
Often, I can no longer control the situation and have to exit LrC and then re-enter.
I hope this information can be helpful in improving this very interesting feature.
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Die neue Funktion "Objektivunschärfe" in PS ist super, ein echter Mehrwert. Habe sie nur schnell ausprobiert, aber die Ergebnisse überzeugen auf ganzer Linie. Es wäre schön, wenn man die Einstellungen speichern und auf eine Serie anwenden könnte.
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Improvement to the blending of the blur to the non blure image. Using on a portrait for boka in the background, there is to sharp of a line where the subject meets said background. I then have to manually try to blend the subject to the background.
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Love the new Lens Blur feature in Camera Raw. Saves a lot of time!
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So far this feature is excellent. Would love to see it applied as a batch process, even if a mask is required. Once you can apply this in batch, like the adaptive options, this feature will be fantastic.
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I love it and while the automatic depth detection is works pretty well, it would be great if the refinement sliders were a bit more specific. Right now we have a particular "blur" or "focus" amount slider and some standard brush settings. I don't know what everyone else thinks, but I'd love to be able to pick a specific "focal range" and paint some pixels to assign them to it. I just had to drop this effect from my picture completely because I couldn't find the right way and values to refine it.
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Would be nice if you could apply to more than one image at a time. It shows it works for auto sync, but when you select the other images it isn't applied. It is listed in the hostory of the image. Also, it is sooooo slow. Not sure how others are getting it to work quicky. Refining takes a long time and it gets hung up.
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I tried lens blur for the first time (Lightroom Classic on Desktop). When i selected "apply" it crashed the program and rebooted my computer. I tried a second time - same result. I'll stay away from it until it settles down!
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This functionality adds convenience to my workflow, but I've encountered an issue. When applying the lens blur effect, the file size of my image significantly decreases. To illustrate, after completing all my edits, I'm prepared to export the final image as a PNG with a size of 24MB (5472px * 3648px). However, when I apply the blur as the last step before exporting, the PNG file size drops to 13MB (5472px * 3648px). Does anyone know where to look or what might be the problem? My OS is MacBook Pro 2020, with Sonoma and Intel Iris plus graphics card
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I love the new feature, but it would be even better if it was more costumizeble. Sometimes it doesnt determine the depth correctly. Eg. a small part of a subject is determined to be further away than it is, or a random thing in the background is determined to on the same deepht as the subject and therefore remains sharp upon applying lens blur.
And that makes it obvius that its AI generated blur. So if the feature makes a small mistake, the tool is completly unusable, cause it looks weird.
I suggest you add a feature where you can, in addition to the "focal range" slider, can mask out the subject manually with a brush.
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Have used this feature a lot in the past couple months & really impressed overall. Adjusting the blur mask beyond more than just a little causes the spinning wheel & slows down my MacbookPro2021.
Features requested:
1) better ability to refine the mask with a depth slider
2) ability to apply mask adjustments from/to masks already refined in the masking area. E.g.- If I've already refined the "Background" mask for other edits, I'd like to be able to copy those refinements onto the Blur mask without having to rebrush them or vice versa. (Usually the Blur mask is a bit more accurate, actually.)
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Works way more effectively after using AI Noise reduction, has trouble with separating depth with high digital noise.
>The slider design is cool, I think I understand the information being displayed but some labelling might help.
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When adjusting portrait backgrounds in which the photos are consistent through an entire series, I'd like to be able to set the blur adjustments prior to the tool analysing the image. As there is no batch feature (yet?) it would allow me to apply the blur and then switch over to other tasks rather than wait for a preview.
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Lo probe hace un segundo, tengo luminar neo pero me parecio que ustedes lo superaron .Un gran acierto y muy profesional , me encanto .
lo agradezco muchisimo.
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Loved the quick use . Please add a brush tool in masking Tab too .
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Great feature! I was pleasantly surprised. My only complaint is how long it takes. I cleaned up excess files that seemed to be slowing down my system and noticed it was a tiny bit faster, but not exponentially. If the option to use this was faster, I would definitely say it's worth the effort. I appreciate how much sharper my subjects look when using this. That's a HUGE plus in my book.
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Lens Blur is fare away from performing like a real lens bokeh. On portraits the hair is mixed up with background details, which should be blured. Not very useful, just a great waste of time!
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I am not sure where exactly the feature should be put but it feels to be misplaced. But I would expect it below "Effects".
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Just getting started with it , so far so good. Will describe more once I have tme spent with it on a more regular schedulde.
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