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I merge 5 photos, then once lightroom generates the preview it is just the darkest image showing. I've used this method multiple times.. and for some reason, it isn't working now. If you know what I'm doing wrong please let me know. cheers.
Here's a video of what's happening
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Hi Niko,
I'm sorry but it's almost impossible to tell what you're doing because the video has such limited resolution I can really see anything. Is there any chance you could share your images?
Also, how many stops do you have between images?
Also, are these jpgs or raw/DNG images?
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I'm sorry just realized the video is poor quality.
Lightroom CC 2015
Windows 10
Jpeg images
2 stops between
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I'm not sure if Merge to HDR is supposed to work with jpeg images at all. It is definitely meant to be used with raw images.
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I'd second Gary's call for still shot attachments for this post, and if you do please use the "Insert Photos" icon in the post reply window.
Also give us your LR and OS versions thanks.
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What your video shows is just as expected. An HDR image is like a raw file and still needs to be developed. You can ask Lightroom to add an automatic adjustment to the merged image, but it looks like you did not check that option in the HDR dialog (indeed difficult to see because of the poor resolution). If you do not check this option, then the resulting HDR file is often initially very dark, as you noticed. Just start editing, there is nothing wrong with it. Maybe you did have that automatic edit option checked in the past, so check it again because it gives you a nice start.
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I tried with and without it looks terrible with it checked because it's not merging properly.
This video is better quality sorry about the last one.
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Hi NIko,
OK, with AutoTone it looks as expected.
You seem to be pointing with your mouse but I'm not all that sure what you're pointing at/to.
Look, the lighting in this room is dreadful: big outside lights with outside light temperature and (at least) 3 large fluorescent lights with light temperatures, all competing with colors and distribution. I've been doing HDR for about 20 years and this is the kind of room that can give anyone shudders. It would take me a bit of time post processing to get things down to an acceptable way.
If you can get back to the room, I'd try to turn the lights off and try again. That, or bring in a bunch of lights with around 47k to match outside.
Sorry, but I do think the issue you're now confronting is conflicting kelvin,not an issue with LRC.
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It looks to me like it's not taking any of the info from the higher exposure photos, the HDR image ends up having less detail in the flooring and the ceiling than the original normally exposed photo... Anyway thanks for your help. I've shot in similar lighting and my HDR's turned out much better than these and I shot on the exact same settings in-camera.
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>Lightroom CC 2015
>Windows 10
Any reason you are staying at such an old version? Classic (including the HDR merging routines) has been updated countless times since and you should be able to run the newer versions on your operating system.