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Please help - all photos stripped of their keywords

Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2024 Feb 18, 2024

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In my last editing session (will call this session no. 2), all photos had their multiple keywords and all my keyword based smart collections had the respective photos inside.

During this last session however, I switch off syncing so I could edit my last import with out any lag. I did my editing and closed lightroom without switching syncing back on (forgot to), but also without saving a backup as I hadn't finished editing that session's photos yet (lesson learnt, I will always do a backup now this has happened even if I haven't finished editing a session).

I do perform backups when I have finished editing a session so I do have a back up of the last session I did (will call this session no. 1) before the above session 2.

So far then

- Session 1 - fully backed up (which obviosuly includes all previous editing sessions, i.e. latest backup)

- Session 2 - switched syncing off and not backed up (not a big deal if I lose any editing)

Now i come to todays session's import/edit (will call session no. 3). I imported my photos as usual, gave them their keywords, edited them, then, realising sync was switch off, I turned it on and it proceeded to sync. Out of curiosity, I went to the smart collection that would have had today's photos and noticed that it ONLY had today's photos in there. The keyword I used was one that I used in previous sessions so there should have been other photos in that smart collection that had the same keyword, but they weren't. 

I edited the smart collection and used valious other keyword as maybe I hadn't used all the keywords I needed to to get them in there. In this particular case, I had previous photo sessions (week 1) where I added the keyword "Edridge" (a place in Kent, UK), then in another photo session I did in Eridge (week 2), I added keywords "Eridge West", then todays's session (week 3), I added keywords "Eridge South".....so, in my smart collection for "Eridge" I should have had week 1, 2 and 3's photos in that collection (the keyword criteria for that collection was "Eridge", "Eridge West" and "Eridge South", but too be honest, I don't think this is that important to this issue).


The issue I have is that when I was trying to figure out why the smart collection wasn't including week's 1 and 2 (it only included today's session, week 3), I noticed that NONE of my other smart collections, nothing to do with Eridge, also didn't have any photos.


I have about 100+ smart collections and the ONLY photos that are in any of those collections are only the photos I took today (using other keywords such as "woods", or "waterfall" for example).


Lightroom has just stripped ALL keywords from ALL my PREVIOUS sessions, except today's one and I wonder if that was because I turned on the syncing switch again in today's session.

Luckily, because I have backups, I won't lose much except all the editing I did in today's session (no. 1), which is a major pisser, and the last one (no. 2), unless the keywords don't come back into their respective photos to which I will be royally pissed off. I was hoping this was more a smart collection issue rather than a keyword issue, but it seems to be a keyword or sync issue.


The syncing function is syncing all my photos it seems, but I would have thought that it only needed to sync the photos from my last two sessions, not all of them!


Please, coudl anyone advise why this happened. What is it that I did wrong and can it be corrected without having to restore the backup?


Many thanks










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Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2024 Feb 18, 2024

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..... I should add that I went to Malaga last week and took my macbook so I had to unplug my ext SSD where my photos are saved (my catalog is saved to the internal Mac SSD). I didn't notice anything in Malaga as I didn't open lightroom. I came back this week, plugged everythign back in and Lightroom seemed to be OK (no missing photo alerts, or anything). 

I haven't closed lightroom yet as still syncing.





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Feb 19, 2024 Feb 19, 2024

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What syncing are you talking about? Syncing what to what?


Is it possible you opened a different catalog for Session 2, and the keywords are in that catalog but not in the catalog used by Session 1?





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 19, 2024 Feb 19, 2024

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I'm syncing to the cloud (top right corner) which now has a green tick.

The catalog is the same "Petes Lightroom Catalog-v13.lrcat" and it didn't ask me to choose a catalog. It just opened to my last catalog automatically. I've checked and it seems to be the same one i've always used.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 25, 2024 Feb 25, 2024

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The latest is that I restored a backup and all my keywords have returned, woo-hoo!! However, It seems that my penultimate session (session 1) that I thought was good, actually wasn't as that too didn't have any keywords. How I didn't spot this I is don't know.

The upshot is that I now have three sessions worth of photos that were already edited in LrC that I need to bring back into lightroom with their edits. Please can anyone advise how I do this, will LrC see that each has it's own XMP file and import those as well if I use the usual import function? 





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