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Sharing collections with clients - I'm giving up

Engaged ,
Dec 16, 2023 Dec 16, 2023

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Hey there, 


since about 3 hours I'm trying to find out how an apparent behemoth of a task can be performed: sharing a collection of roughly 30 images with a client.


I used to do this via a Google Drive folder without problems so far, but that repective client wants to be able to comment and "like". Something he could do in Google Drive, BUT...

I tried sharing a gallery from my phone LR recently, worked like a charm. Now I expected this to work in a similar way from LR Classic. LOL.
After being served apparently completely false information through Adobe, I spent a good while aimlessly clickig around, not finding things I was supposed to find ("right-click on collection to sync with LR mobile" - hat was fun!) when no such thing exists.
I found out through watching a few independent tutorials I don't right-click, but tick a little double-arrow left of the collection name. Which only appears when you synced the collection, whereas instructions in the link mentioned above refer to a collection that hasn't been synced.
So I found out I have to enable sync for this to work. I did that. It started counting. At 9000something images (probably from years of cell phone LR usage???) it got stuck.

More research - fun! "All you need t do is this and that and then some more of that, or maybe this. And if that doesn't work, maybe try this or that.

Well I tried this and that, and now I'm happy to announce the counter stops at 10000something images after restart, slowing to a crawl. And 1000 pics "Later" it stops again.


Now, I never understood why I need 2 separate desktop applications. Why.... why. I am very grateful LR & PS are available for an extremely fair price. But the usability in this specific case is, imho, a nightmare

But hey, I got the collection names already showing in the parallel second LR app! Just not containing a single image. But maybe, if I restart LR often enough, after repeating this another 52 times I might get those pics synced.


I expect: right-click collection -> share (like in the mobile version)

I get: hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, fall on face, start again







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