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Have a bunch of Synced collections. When I unsync one, not only does it stop syncing that collection it adds a duplicagte with a "-2" on the collection name but containing no images.
Starting conditions
1) in LR/Cloud (and LrC) have albums in Folders as well as not in folders
2) In this case in LR there is an album "LRM: USA-CA-Southern" in a folder which contains only SP's (Smart Previews). In addition there is an album, not in a folder with the same name also containing SP's.
It go this way when the system decided that my synced catalog was a different one than it thought it was and re-downloaded EVERYTHING from LR/Cloud (basically SP's) to LrC and replicated the same Folder names as new collections in LrC. So, in LrC the Collections containing my original LrC images were still showing in thier respective Collection Sets but were all now unsynced and new redundant collecfitons containing SP's only (missing image file) from LR/Cloud were not in collection sets. I then synced the one in the Colleciton set (the one contianing the master images).
1) Unsync the collection outside of the collection set. This is the collection that was downloaded from LR when it lost track of the sync catalog and has ONLY SP's (no oiriginal files)
2) Clicked the "synced" icon and accepted the "do you want to unsync this collection" pop up dialog
3) I now right clicked on the collection and selected "Delete". At this point, a new collection appeared with the same name but with a "-2" appended to the end. Before I could take a screen shot, the original one which I had deleted dissappeard (as it should) leaving only the empty 2nd one
I have had to do this process for (so far) a couple of dozen collections and this happens in about half the cases.
Have something to add?