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Tethering via Wifi?

New Here ,
May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022

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I havent found a clear answer neither in the LC articles nor in the forums..


Is wi-fi tethering possible with LC? 

I'm on MacOs Monterrey, connected to my Nikon D750 wifi but LC doesnt detect the camera at all.


I am able to tether via QDSLR https://dslrdashboard.info/ using wifi so the camera is connected to the laptop correctly, it just doesnt work with LC.


So Im just wondering if I should just get a cable because its is a known fact that Wifi Tethering doesnt work or is there still sth I can try?









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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022

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I presume that by "LC" you are referring to Lightroom-Classic LrC.

I researched the Nikon D750 WiFi App and found it only tethered to an iPhone/iPad.

If QDSLR can 'Send / Tether' files to a folder in your Mac, then you may only be able to use the 'Auto Import' feature of LrC.


In LrC Auto Import setup- Define a "Watched Folder" (that must be empty!) and a "Destination Folder" (where LrC will store the files).

Then set up QDSLR to 'Save/Send' the files to the "Watched Folder". As you shoot the images will go  Camera > QDSLR > Watched Folder > Destination Folder, and appear there in the Catalog.


My experience of D750 and Windows-10 using a USB cable to tether has always been successful. I cannot comment on Mac and Monterey iOS.




Regards. My System: Windows-11, Lightroom-Classic 14.2 Photoshop 26.3, ACR 17.2, Lightroom 8.2, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, .




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New Here ,
May 16, 2022 May 16, 2022

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hi Rob, thanks for your reply.

Yes I did mean Lightroom Classic indeed. The Wifi option does sound like a bit of a hassle in that way so I think I'll just buy a cable and try that. Thanks!




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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2024 Apr 18, 2024

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NO, unfortunatly it is not possible. I mean in a standard way.
ADOBE is not developing this part (so far i know)


BUT i do found a way to do it. (using CANON)


you need to have 2 cameras, one has to be USB connected to the computer. (at least on a mac).

you need to connect the wireless camera on your computer (follow canon instruction) once it is connected, you can test it with canon software.

if it works then open lightroom start a new session tethering  (not auto import! this is tooooo slow!) and be sure that the usb camera is on, in this situation the software will recongnise the both cameras.


there is just one problem: so lang your camera is not Wireless connected to the computer (battery saver or you turn the camera off) it will not be recognize anymore. to solve it only way is to restart your computer and off and on the camera again.

so is the way i do wireless tethering since 5 months. 😃 on CAnon 1dx and R5 (i have an old 5d connected isb all the time under my desk!)

a mess!


reason why I am thinking to move to capture one. it works perfektly with meny cameras.




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