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Why does my some of photos always changed their colors whenever I put my preset on them?

New Here ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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Hi, I kind of have a problem whenever I editing photos on my lightroom.

I took photos on a Rice Terrace area whereas has green views on every each one of my photos.

I use a7iii and eos rp camera (sometimes change due to situation i'm in) and always on raw setting.

When I see the raws on the camera screen and on my monitor, the raws colored the same. Nothing abnormal/diffrent at first. I imported those photos on Lightroom and still look the same as I saw them on camera screen and outside the Lightroom. But, when I put on my preset (let's say 100 photos raw) some of the photos had a diffrent color looking than the others. Like, 15 out of 100 had diffrent color. More green as if I put the saturation way too much on those 15 photos.




You can see the diffrences between the two photos I put up.
The color that I wanted was the number 8, but then several (or 15 photos as example) that I explained were like the number 7.

But, the raws all the same. You can see the raws below 




Are there anyone has experience something similiar like mine?
If there are, please put your opinion/answer here. I'd like to discus things.








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Advocate ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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Many settings are "dynamic" and produce slightly different results in different photo (with the same value)


e.g. Saturation +33 might produce more saturation in one image than another.


If want to match colros across images then:

1. go in reference mode and choose the reference.

2. hover over the color in the reference and destination, look at the RGB values under the histogram and see if they differ.

3. change settings till they match



Unfortunately we do not have color sampler so the task is a bit tedious.


Settings applied via Masking are not dynamic afaik and should produce the same results across images.

You can crate a "Full Image Mask" that affects the entire photo and apply settings via that Mask.

Preset it and apply it.











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